My Itsie-Bitsie Luffa Ball plant

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Here's a photo of this tiny vine plant! I don't know if it will produce any fruit or not ~ lol!

Compared to growing the regular luffas and the gourds, these plants seem SO tiny and fragile!

Thumbnail by Morph
Cave Spring, GA(Zone 7a)

GO LUFFA GO! I rooting for it to grow. Hope it makes it. Linda

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Linda ☺

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

Crossing my fingers for you Morph!

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

I think I'll need that, RA49!!!! Thank you ☺

Cave Spring, GA(Zone 7a)

Morph, How's the baby doing now?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Merkat, thanks for asking :) You gave me a good reason to go get some pictures!!

Here's the first of two. I think I have four plants around this tee-pee structure not including the gourd species on the far right. I can't figure out what type of gourds those are yet. Since that vine had mildew and was overtaking the structure, I've trimmed it back and let the vines grow into the grass.

Anyway, here's the updated picture.

Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Here's my first germinated bud, I think? Keeping fingers crossed!!!

Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm confused about the last picture because the flower looks like its just about to bloom. Yet, there's a fruit under it already. I thought these had to flower first to get germinated.

But, maybe this species does things a little differently?

(Zone 5a)

Morph they have to flower, there is a male flower and a female. They have to pollinate first, as a matter of fact if you want to speed it along then you can use a Q-tip to pollinate them yourself. The female is the one with the little gourd, the single flower are the ones you want to get the pollen from to add to the female flower. Good luck and I will be looking forward to seeing how they turned out.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Wind! So, when the flower above this little gal opens, I will transfer some pollen from the other flowers! If I didn't, what would happen to that little starter plant there?

Cave Spring, GA(Zone 7a)

Morph, Your vine looks great. Will keep fingers crossed that you'll get fruit. I don't know what will happen if it's not pollinated, but I've seen several tiny gourds in the past just rot and fall off. I wonder if they were unfertilized gourds. Linda

(Zone 5a)

It would get pollinated by the bees and our other good bug friends and be just fine, but some will make it and some won't no matter what you do because of the stupid cucumber beetles. You'll find the more baby gourds that you get half of them will turn brown and rot but you will get some good ones as well. You may not get as many mature ones as you would like but you have to consider our growing season is short. That's why I like to help mine along, not only do I have to worry about the season but I have a very small garden and will do good if I get four good larger gourds. I hope this helps ya.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Yes, indeed, Wind! Thanks :)

(Zone 5a)

Oh your more than welcome....good luck.

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

Morph, I like the way you have placed your copyright protection on your picture.
Do you use a simple photo editor to do this?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

I used Photoshop, RA. But, I think you could do it pretty easily with any simple photo editor. I just selected text, made the text a light color, sized the font the way I wanted it, and that was pretty much it.

(Zone 5a)

I use IrfanView and it's free althought I have about four different photo editing programs but I use this one the most because I haven't learned all how to use some of them lol. It allows you to put your copyright on photos plus a lot more.

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

Thanks girls. I can place text on pics with my HP editor but liked the looks of this one of Morph's so I will play around with mine first to see if I can get something close. :))

(Zone 5a)

Your welcome and have fun.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

RA, if you'd like, I'll do some samples for you. If you tell me what software you're using, I may be able to play with it, too, if it's shareware. I worked on the web in my previous life & still love to use it when I can :) It's not a chore, but a luxury for me to have an excuse to play with it :)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

2006 Updates !!!!

Growing these in Ohio is certainly an ENDEAVOR! It seems that no matter how early I start them, they just don't want to initiate the blooming process until mid to late September which coincides with are usual first frost! This year (knock on wood), we've been lucky enough to not yet have a damaging frost. Though, each night now is a strong possibility. I keep trimming excess plant to redirect as much growing power as I can into each fruit.

ANY SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT TO FEED THESE LITTLE BUDS TO SPEED THEIR GROWTH? I've tried nitrogen & may try again today. I'm hoping for some suggestions, though. Are you still here Wind?

Anyway, here are the photos as of today...

Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by Morph
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

and finally for now...

Thumbnail by Morph
Crossville, TN

Morph....I was given some of these at the Phoenix swap last spring...I will be seeing these same people again Sunday...I will ask around....but they do have a long growing season in Phoenix!!! Jo

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Jo, that would be GREAT! I don't know what to do with the one in the photo. I've gone ahead and taken it off the vine for I know if the frost hits, it will be toast. All turns black and smooshy after the frost. I need to know if I should let it dry & then soak and peel like the regular luffas.

Thanks much in advance for any advice on what to do from here & enjoy your visit, too!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Morph, I know this is an old thread, but Roadrunner pointed it out to me - would you like to add your photos to PlantFiles? I'm guessing you have Luffa operculata:

Clinton, IL(Zone 6a)

How DID that little "itsie bitsie" fare, Morph?
Just curious...


Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Terry & Jip ~ just now reading this... i'll see if i can add to PlantFiles ~ haven't done it before that i recall... Poor plant ended up with an early September frost killing it :( i even protected it but with material, not plastic... i know better for next time...

the one fruit in photo did have seeds though :)

This message was edited Mar 8, 2008 7:25 PM

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