Hello from Colorado

Lakewood, CO(Zone 5a)

Hello everyone. Coming to you from the foothills of Colorado (Lakewood).

I guess I'd call myself a 'wannabe' gardner. I wish I had half the gardening skills of my mother (Brugie). She's had a little more practice than I have though...I'll get there one day. Forums like this will certainly help.

I just moved to CO a couple of years ago from the K.C. area. What a difference in climate. I am having a hard time growing anything here. Hopefully by reading and chatting with you, I'll get something going to be proud of and eventually contribute to these forums.

By trade I am an computer geek, a network administrator, which consumes quite a bit of my life actually. (I see in your Computer forum your members have that subject pretty well covered.)

Again, Hello, and hope to talk to you soon. :-)

Hi, Waddles! My DH and I were in Lakewood last month. We love the Denver area. Welcome to DG!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

Welcome Waddles!

Crossville, TN

Welcome, waddles....how nice to have another Mother/Daughter team...I know Brugie is happy to share you with us. Jo

Bark River, MI

Welcome, Waddles - your zone is not so different from mine! I'm pretty new here yet, myself; this is a great forum, hope to see you around!

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

A warm South Louisiana welcome to you, Waddles.


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Welcome, Waddles! I guess your 'foothills' must be like my mountains (western NC) where we are at about 2500 feet, but a warmer zone (6b).

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Well, how the heck did I miss my own daughter's post. Glad you are here and hope that you enjoy your visits. Start saving your $$ because the co-ops will definitely be one of your favorite forums to visit and purchase from. You just need to get on here more now. Tell the kids "Hi" from Grandpa and Grandma.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

welcome from Ohio. I just got back from vacation and we had stopped in Colorado and went up Pikes Peak. I've never been out that way. I'm from Germany. I absolutely loved the place though :)

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Hello Waddles - and a wave from the HOT state of Texas to you.....hope you like it here as much as we do, TONS of help when you need it....glad to see another mother/daughter team here - me and my mom (WillowWasp) are among the mother/daughter teams here at Dave's.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Hi Waddles! A warm welcome from California.

Lakewood, CO(Zone 5a)

Thank you all for the warm welcome!

I think I'm going to like this site...so far I've managed to participate in 2 co-ops. Really enjoy reading and viewing everyone's pictures/posts in the various forums.

Flowox...my better half is also from Germany (Bremen). We took the kids for a 12 day vacation in June. Managed to visit (pardon my spelling) Bremen, Hamburg, Lubbeck, Berlin, Nurnberg, Rottenburg, Munich, Salzburg, etc. Visited several castles, museums...just had a great time. I can't wait to go back. Hope you had a nice time in "Colorful Colorado!"

I hope to talk with all of you again...Lori

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Welcome Waddles from the great pacific northwest. You will love it here and wonder how you lived so long without the garden.

Montezuma, NM(Zone 5b)

Welcome Waddles,
We have a similar climate to you. We are at 7200 or so in the southern most part of the Colorado Rockies (in northern New Mexico). Coming from California, gardening in this area has been a challenge to learn. I will say it is very rewarding though. Believe me you will get a lot of help here! You'll shake of that wanabe label in no time!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Hi from the dry side of Oregon, kind of similiar climate to yours I think, with low humidity most of the time. We do get some fog in the winter that freezes on everything to produce a fuzzy fairyland kind of effect, lots of snow some winters and not much in others, late frosts but a decent growing season compared to some other places where I've tried to garden. You'll love this garden, you never have an off season, at least in your mind. It keeps hope alive.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Waddles, we spent two days in Colorado Springs and went up Pikes Peak. The scenery in Colorado is just beautiful but I could have easily dealt 'without' all the road construction all over that town.........lol

Glad that you got to see Germany. It so pretty, isn't it. I used to love going to all the castles when I was growing up. If your other half ever wants to speak some German, just send me an e-mail. I don't get to speak much of it anymore unless I talk to my mom or call my Grandma in Germany so it would be most welcome to hear (or read.......lol)

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi Waddles! Glad to see one more added from the Colorado few! I havent been on the site long either, but this place is OH SO AMAZING! I cant seem to stay off of it! I have learned so much from all the wonderful people here, and ALL their posts. I can help with what I know about growing stuff here in Colorado. I get SO jealous at the beautiful plants and flowers that only grow in zones 7 and up. Then I think about the humidity, and huge bugs that comes with the zones, and I just do my best to make do with the nice, tolerable, low humidity here!
Welcome to DG!!!

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