Ornamental Kale

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh NO!
Last night a row of terrible storms went through the middle of Indiana and this morning I woke up to find my back deck rail boxes where I am growing ornamental kale for fall was completely DROWNED with water. We had so much rain that my little drain holes were not able to get the water out.

So here I am in my nightgown and my bag of miracle grow soil, along with my left over annual plastic pots repotting around 30 ornamental kale seedlings, to save them from drowning. I originally tried tipping the boxes to get the water out but it was so water-logged it didn't help. Anyway, here I am repotting all these plants, dirt up to my elbows....and my 5 year old is crying for oatmeal, while my 3 year old twins are locking me out of the house! My white linen night gown is covered in potting soil, I'm locked out banging on the back door for my 5 year old to let me in. . . .and the neighbors come out on their deck and ask if I need help?! No - I just need a green house, live in maid and a nanny! **SMILES**

Hope my kale survives.....some of them were beginning to look really nice, you know more than the original set of leaves....

Thought this funny episode would bring you smiles. It made me laugh telling it! Wasn't too funny in the middle of it, but alls well that ends well!

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

2much2plant, We must be long lost sisters! I was out this morning in my nightgown to drain off water on my water logged plants. Then, I noticed that the blasted Japanese Beetles were everywhere - - grabbed my cup of soapy water to Beetle search and destroy. Then, I noticed that the storm had blown over several sunflowers - - went to grab twist ties and stakes.

Needless to say, I was wet, dirty and had very frizzy hair when I went back inside. I didn't get locked out though.......I finally had a keyless code system put on the garage door after I had locked myself out numerous times (all in my nightgown - - I might add).

Thanks for sharing your morning - - smiling in Tennessee, Nat

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

With me it's the pj pants and a tank top. The neighbors must not think I have clothes. I don't get locked out(no kids), but I do wind up doing this and then that and then that over there. Next thing I know it's lunch time and I'm in the front yard in my pjs. I think it should be a garden poll, how often do you wind up working in the yard in your nightgown?

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

You'll find it hard to get me to wear clothes.We live in the woods and our neighbours arent that close.Now anyway,lol.Well, we used to live VERY close to our neighbours...I looked out my window one day only to see some stray cat making a run for it with my late :~( diamond dove. I ran outta the house in my nightie "see through mind you" in the pouring rain...well our neighbours got a show that's for sure. :~((.Then one day as mindless as i always am, I just walked straight outta the house topless.Mum called me back thank God!Lord save me, LOL!!! ~tsavo.

Woodburn, OR(Zone 8a)

tsavo, several years ago I got all the way to the mailbox before I realized I was topless, boy did I get teased about that! I'm out in my jammies all the time, I love those summer weekend mornings when I jump out of bed and head straight ouside to say good morning to my favorite plants. They don't seem to care a bit whether I am dressed or not!

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