going to Victoria...yipeeeeeeeee!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

for two days to take in the Victoria Flower and Garden show...looking forward to this one! Staying with a long-time gal-friend, who lives just up from Brentwood Bay Nursery(ROSES!!!!!!!!!! and more ROSES!) Elaine

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Have fun! Is it at Butchart?

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Have a great time. I saw that event posted on the icangarden site and thought hmm?? maybe next year. Have to start making days off notes to myself a long time ahead

We're headed down Friday, will go either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Haven't decided yet. Looks like it will be a great show.

Dennis, it's at Royal Roads University, Hatley Castle in Colwood. A very beautiful spot.

This message was edited Tuesday, Jul 8th 1:25 PM

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

I have been to the Vancouver area only once. The gardens are beautiful, the people very nice. Took the trip to Victoria via Butchart Gardens. Couldn't believe the color of all the flowers. I finally had to put the camera away as each site seemed to blend into one. Hard to explain. The Sunken Garden was great as well. A Salvia was just finishing blooming, so I brought home some seed. Didn't get caught at the border.:) The aquarium, first class. Hope to go back again soon. If I was smart, I would purchase a one-way ticket. The area is that nice.

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Again- have fun and bring back some pics if you have time!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

thanks.....I do intend to take my camera! ciao....E.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Well, I'm back!.couldn't resist purchasing three more climbers at Brentwood Bay Nurseries...Mermaid, Compassion, and New Dawn's recent baby, Penny Lane...so I think I have the whole family now, including the daddy, Dr Van Fleet! The show is located on a beautiful spot, on the grounds of Hatley Castle overlooking Esquimalt Lagoon! So much to see!......Jeanne, did you get down there on Friday....weather so very humid and hot, except for a breeze(little one)! oh, the plant material is phenomenal...Kimalu Nurseries is exceptional on the Island! Saw many pals from the Nursery trade and others...took in two excellent restaurants for lunches, "Blue Bayou" and the "Olive Grove" best calamari since Greece! It was so good to reconnect with my girlfriend after 6-7 yrs.....thats a long story! anyway glad to be home.....was the last car to board the ferry, goin home....talk about luck Elaine

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

It sounds like you had a ball Elaine. Were any of the mainland nurseries there? Or was it just for the Island nurseries? How were the displays?
Did you see any trops?
Jeanne was spending the night in Saanich.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

weel,..now,......answers to your questions....Almost all Island growers....displays, I thought and so did Carole,....not too impressive! Yes, trops available.....many unusual plants I noticed! We took in the Rose gardens on the site of Hatley Castle and the Japanese gardens.....the pond was something else!!!! so hot and humid...stayed for maybe three hours!!!! E.


We only went for two hours. I left Oscar ( my boxer) in the van in the shade then went and got him and he toured around the gardens, was well behaved. It was very hot. I thought it was nice, I've never made it to Van Dusen yet. Saw some friends from Cusheon Creek Nursery and a few others. Rob bought another opuntia, I didn't buy any plants.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Sounds like it was a great trip for you..flowers and friends..
Someday I'm going to get out there to see the beautiful gardens..but I can't leave my own garden during the summer..no one to tend it.LOL..and I guess I don't want to miss anything blooming here either. I have a friend who lives in Victoria.
Hope to see some photos of your new roses Elaine.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I didn't buy any plant material at the show, Jeanne. Did purchase a French wire lantern....the beads are popsicle orange. I am getting older for sure, as the heat drives me crazy and right into the shade! Took some photos, Dennis, of the show...not much to photograph...Did you read Steve W"s article on comparing Victoria to the Van Dusen show??? wow!.......he is brave! looking forward to returning to the Island,maybe in the early fall for another visit!!!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I saw it this morning Elaine, brave is not the word. Especially since he adores Val Murray.

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