Antigonon leptopus AKA Rosa Montana, Coral Vine won't bloom

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

This is a common vine in the area, beautiful specimens everywhere. I got a baby last summer from a friend and planted it next to a wooden fence. It grew well, even producing a few flowers.

This year it was a bit slow to re-appear, but finally did. It's growing by leaps and bounds, just as it should, but not making any flowers. Frustrating! Everyone else's Rosa Montanas are beautiful!

Where it's planted, the bottom of the plant is mostly shaded by the fence as well as the surrounding plants. The higher up it grows, the more sun it gets. At the top of the fence it gets full sun, and it has grown way over and along the top.

It's been raining every day for 5 weeks, so it's getting plenty of water. However, that part of the yard does not flood, so it's not sitting in water. The soil it is in is not the best, but supports daylilies, iris and hosta (and every weed know to man) with no problems. I give everything a little MG every so often.

The friend I got it from says to just leave it alone, it thrives on neglect. Her's are gorgeous! She is just a few miles up the road, so her vines are having the same weather as mine. Hers are planted in similar circumstances (shady at the bottom, sunny at the top, well drained average soil). I don't understand it.

Any suggestions?


Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I started all of mine form seed a few year ago..Off to a slow start until about the 3rd year for me, then they seemed to just take off. It is a late bloomer here in zone 8 for me.. So far only a few sprays of color, but usually heavy blooming in late July, August and later.

Franklin, LA(Zone 9a)

Thank you, Larkie. I'll just have to be patient. Maybe next year I'll get the full season of color that I'm looking for.


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