Looking 4 "Painted Daisies"?

Greensburg, PA(Zone 5a)

I have been looking for Garden Verbena & Painted Daisies (are they really Gerbera?) But anyhow, looking for them & would like to trade or postage. I have 4 different colors of iris's, orange daylilys, purple spiderwort,Green Hosta (wedge shaped leaves), a good bit of seeds for trumpet vines, shasta daisies, wisteria vine,and some different sunflowers (burgundy & I think I still have some yellow multi heads)and some mixed wildflowers, and a few other seeds. Gota look to see what is still in the big box :o)

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

hi there

I think 'Painted Daisies' usually refers to annual Chrysanthemums C carinatum.

I have a some seeds if you want them? just email me your address and I'll mail them in the morning


This message was edited Tuesday, May 29th 1:54 PM

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

i have painted daisies merry mix, here's pic from parkseed.com

you can have the seeds for sase if you like

Eureka, MT

Good morning Tim if you have extra painted daisies, I would love to put some out. email me your adderess and I will send you a sase or I have some ornamental corn ( painted mountain) if you would like to trade.
thanks have a wonderful day!!!!!

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