Looking For Brugs

Oakland, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm longing to add a couple of unusual Brugs to my collection - B. "Vulcanicola", B. "Sunset", B. "Shredded White", B. "Peaches & Cream" and B. "Varigata". Let me know what you're looking for and check out my trade lists. Thanks!
Chris - THGA

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Oakland, CA(Zone 10b)

Hey there, kHT, thanks for the offer! And as far as the iris, I've only ever seen one "black" one - an accquaintance had a big old bed of 'em, then the next time I saw her, she'd dug them all up and THROWN THEM OUT! What an idiot! I still feel queasy about that one :-P But tell me more about your iris - and what it would take to trade you out of a few! ;-)

Chris - THGA

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