Washed out pics with Olympus D-520 Zoom

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm posting this under my mom's account. We're both kinda stumped here. With her camera, an Olympus D-520 Zoom, has something weird going on.

The last three times she's used it, she's formatted the card as usual, but the first 6-10 pictures come out really washed out. Then, without any settings on the camera being altered, the next pictures will be fine. I'm posting an example of one of the washed out images.

I've checked the white balance, leaving it on auto and changing it to sunlight or cloudy, but this happens nomatter what the white balance settings.

It's weird that it only happens on the first few pictures on the card, but the remainder come out fine with no intervention. Any ideas what could be causing this? I'm heading over to other sites to check if this is a common phenomenon with digital cameras and what we can try. I just hope it isn't the CCD going out on it.

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