A question for Atlanta area gardeners, if there are any?

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Later this summer I will have to give away some of my plants because I have to move. It would not be practical to mail most of them because of their size, they are fragile etc.

Is it unheard of to do a in person trade where I would give someone plants and they would bring me a bunch of seeds? That way I have stuff to start for my new place this winter.

I am not quite ready to give up my plants but I just wanted to see if there was any interest.


Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi polarbear, where are you now and when are you moving?
I'm sure that you'll find a bunch of us here that would be glad to do personal swaps and send you seeds, when you're ready for them! Sorry you missed our last plant swap, but check out our new one planned in October here http://davesgarden.com/t/383741/ will that be too late?
Let us know--wherever you move, you'll always have DG!
Also look at the plant and seed swap forums.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I am in Atlanta, near the Vinings area. I will be moving to the Jacksonville, FL area. I am sorry but I will miss the next swap. I will definitely be coming to DG after my move and this winter looking to trade and get advice on my new "zone".

Hopefully I can find some good homes for my plants :)
How far is Barnesville from ATL?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

you could also do what smiln32 did. She's 'farmed' her plants out and when/if she wants a piece later, all she has to do it ask. I would bet that many would not only trade seeds for you, but give you some back anytime you are ready for them.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

that would be wonderful too!

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Most of us would give you plant cutting and seeds if you just asked when you get settled.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Wishinf I lived alot closer to Atlanta!

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks guys! Everyone I have met at DG has been very generous :)

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

polarbear... you might go to the "Member List" on the right hand column, and click on GA. Then click on "Subscribers Only" and you will get a list. I know many DG'ers are close enough to trade with you if you email a list (or post it) of what you have available.

I wish I had known DG when I left the Vinings area (wasn't started then, LOL), and had as much knowledge about plants and gardeners as I have gathered from DG.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I just about went thru the list for ya, a few from Atlanta, Alpharetta (farmerpickle), and Austell. I'm about 2 hrs south, going thru (shudder) Atlanta. That's why I live in the woods!

Keep in mind, it'll be hard to dig up and to transplant in the middle of summer! You might think about taking smaller starts now and just keep them in moist peatmoss and shade. I've had to "hold" alot of my plants this way, waiting for my yard to be regraded. Let us know if we can help.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks violabird,darius, I will check the list.

My plants are all containers. I have a patio jungle! Some I will give away in their pots and some I will request for someone to bring a pot or we can put it in a plastic bag or something.

I may take cuttings and divisions of some of them with me and offer the mother plant. They will take up much less space in the car! I may need some advice on that, I will let you guys know.

Thanks again!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Or you can look at my name here and where it says GA just click on it and it'll give you the GA members names.

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Molly, I didn't know that little trick! Thanks for informing us.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

:) You're welcome Aimee

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey polarbear_77! How on earth did you get that name living in Hotlanta? How many pots do you have that you can't take them with you? Could you post us a list of what you need to get rid of? I'd be willing to take some orphans. :)

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi ecobioangie, I am orginally from the frozen north, Buffalo, NY, lol. No really I just like polarbears, they are so cute! Could eat me alive but still cute!

I need to evaluate what I am going to take and what I am going to give away. I hope I can trade them for some seeds for my new place. Any type of seeds that can be grown in containers will be good.

Whoever wants to make the drive for some plants can get some bonus cuttings of the plants I plan to take with me. I have some interesting mints and scented geraniums that I will probably take but they are easy ones to take cuttings from.

Will post a list sometime next month. Right now I can't bear to part with too many of my "babies" :)

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

When you get setteled I will be glad to send you seed, cuttings or small plants if I have what you want.
Thanks for the tip Mollybee, I didn`t know that either.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks busybee!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

You can also click on the part where it gives a person's zone. Like Zone7a and it will give you everyone in that Zone area. In fact just about everything that is written in Blue can be clicked on. I find it very useful!

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