hello to this group

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i aint totally disabled but i do have knee problems. I broke mine a few months back trying to catch my daughter from hitting her head on a solid concrete floor rollor skating. well i hit the floor. busted my knee cap. well its healed mostly but know i have a permanant limp. i cant do everything i could out in the garden like i used to. with this rain its even more depressing. i am trying to make some new gardening friends who like me love flowers. i havent been herebut about a week and getting my feet wet so to speak. i still feel like an outsider. iknow it will take time. its depression setting in. havent been in my yard in days due to rain. got a new light weight weed eater today and i cant get out to try it. all this rain has made my knee swell. oh i sound awful. i guess i better stop being so dreary.

i thought i did see the sun a little today but dang hubby just said its thundering agian. told him to shoosh. well i guess i will end this dreary intro here. just wanted to say hi. Imzadi

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi! It sounds like you are really under the weather. Pain and stiffness can ruin the best days, and when you also have persistent bad weather it's difficult to keep a cheerful countenance. Turn on all the lamps and whatever else will produce light, and pretend you are in the middle of a sunny day in your garden. Read some garden magazines and picture yourself surrounded by the pictures of flowers. Sniff some of your favorite perfume, put a little on a hanky or fingertip towel and keep it near you. Place a small fan where it will just barely create a breeze on you as you sit and sip some of your favorite summer drink - I find that lemonade is perfect for this little scene. Plan a tea party in your garden, a really relaxed one with little benches and upside-down buckets placed at random so you and a guest can sit for a light conversation. Work on a card file or other system for keeping track of your wish list from the garden catalogs. Even if you never order, make a list of what you would order if you were in a more active mode. Waste some time. Just sit and daydream yourself into a leisurely afternoon in the garden of your dreams.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

sounds wonderful but out of lemonade. will have to do tea. fixing to go take a hot bath and light my favorite candle and soak. relaxation at last i hope. hehe and daydream of the beach. thanks Imzadi

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

My kind of girl! Not being a water baby, I do something like that but pretend or daydream of a luxury spa. Be sure to swath yourself in your favorite fragrance and put on something filmy and indulgent to walk around in, just to feel pampered.

What does your name mean?

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

imzadi welcome! fighting the depression demon is always a constant here too, but i think i like the sound of aimee's tea party and may have to join you would you like me to bring the crumpets? (hehehe) anyway welcome to DG and hopefully the sunal be out tomorroww tomorroww is only a day aaaawwaaaayyyy !!! ( my sis's favorite movie!) Tracy

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Imzadi is a star trek word basically meaning beloved. my hubby is obsesses with star trek.

oh fragerence bath oil forgot about that. yes bring the crumpets. we will dine while soaking the bad away. anyone else for this luxery party? lol Imzadi

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

(hehehe) everyone is going to think we're tipping the bottle while enjoying our luxery party! But who cares enjoying it. fragrance bath oil sounds heavenly! pass some my way. LOL Tracy

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

hehe oh well its a girls night in. passing the oil. Imzadi

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

Going to go soak for real! Will enjoy the oil. Have a good night. Tracy

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, one of those spontaneous DG parties I love! Yes, please pass the aromatherapy oil and some of that wine I can't remember how to spell in this atmosphere. I'm sure we all migrated to a large hot tub by now, and there is a mountain of fluffy towels waiting for us when we get out to head for a massage.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

And some very fine quality lotion to make our skin so fragrant and smooth. Aimee, I have brought some of my famous fudge too for this party. Imzadi, welcome to DG and to our dream world of cyber parties. Aimee and I are experienced at this but I am sure you can have lots of fun with it too.

I brought my favorite MuMu to dress in after the spa treatment. Shall we try to get that really good massage therapist over here to give us all a great massage? Ohhhh that feels sooooooooooooooooo good. My shoulders are sore from all the typing I have done tonight and this therapists hands are some of the best I have ever felt.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

Mmmmmm - yummy fudge, friends, hot tub, wine, oil, fluffy towels, masseuse (sp.), Mmmmmm - I might be able to get some sleep after all, night all hope you have a wonderfully pain free sleep! Tracy

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

the best part is friends to share life with even if it is internet friends. My love to all of you.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

thanks to you all who helped make my evening brighter. i needed it. hugs and love to my new internet friends. Imzadi

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

Definately appreciate all my internet friends, love you guys, thanks also for making my days a little brighter. (oops mushy alert!) hehehe Tracy

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

OMGoodness!!!!! A mushy alert online!!!!! Whatever shall we do with a mushy alert?

I know what we can do EAT YIPPEEEEEEE Food at DG is the BEST because there are NO calories and GREAT friends. Hmmmm now all we need is a few more co-ops. The DG gotta-have-it-itis is striking again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

barrington, IL(Zone 5a)

hi imzadi, sorry to hear about your knee. i'm still recuperating from a total knee replacement on the left knee and will soon have one on the right knee. and here i thought i would be tap dancing in a couple of weeks........HAH! i jst mailed off my appeal for ssi disability as my getting any kind of job standing up is out of the question. the goofball in charge of my case actually agreed with all of my doctors but said that i should try to get work as a bartander-something i haven't been able to do for almost fifteen years. go figure. i do have a vegetable garden in hisyear and i did all of my planting sitting on the ground and scouting along on my you-know-what. i used plastic mulch and straw to keep the weeds down and it seems to be working fairly well. the weather up this way (ne illinois) has been unseasonably cool so far this year so everything except the lettuce and brocolli is a little slow in growing. by the way, have you been to the very lovely hickory knob state park down your way. its just north of augusta and is a great place for a little weekend get-away. they have duplex cabins with fireplaces and a motel unit. there's a restaurant with good food so you don't have to cook. they also offer camping, tennis, golf, horseback riding, bicycle riding and great fishing. you should try it some time. good luck with your knee.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i want a mornong glory co op . i have read about all the great japenese mgs they have gotten. i just love morning glory and their realitives.

yes the food here doesnt add any weight. i dont need any more to my belly or behind. so this is great.

Nicksgrammy i know its hard to do things with my messed up knee. i am scared of the surgery though to put in a replacement knee cap since its busted. i can still walk and when i get tired or sore i hobbble. i dont want to lose that. i have a very active 12 yr old girl. so am waiting on surgery. hope yours heals quick.

well got chores to do. see you all later. Imzadi

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

mmm no calories sounds like my kind of food also don't need any extra padding as i have enough to share!

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

I have enough extra padding for about 10 people due to meds making me gain tons of weight several years ago. I keep thinking that I will start losing the extra weight but so far I have lost 32 and regained about half that back since my double total knee surgery a year ago January 15. I wanted to get my knees working all at once and not have to go through surgery twice and therapy twice. It has worked out pretty well and now I can dream of the day I will be able to fit into a normal large size top again. A normal size bottom too would be great!!!!!!!!

The food around here is very tasty too. Have you noticed how good it is? And so very pretty in its presentation too as everybody works so hard making their dish pretty. Kinda like a county fair where they get ribbons for their foods.

I had good intentions of having a vegi garden this year but my son didn't get it tilled the second time when the weeds sprang up too fast for me. So in there somewhere is a short row of radishes that are going to seed. Ah well, I like the seed pods in my salads anyway. I do have some really good lettuce where I got the weeding done and sure wish there was a few zucchini plants out there as we love the stuff sauted in a touch of real butter.

I got in on the morning glory co-op and am praying that the Mormon cricket invasion that the authorities are expecting this year don't eat all the plants before they flower since I got a late start with my seeds. The pictures look really great of them.

Imzadi, don't wait too long for your knee surgery or you may harm your hips or even your other knee from the limping. Also your muscles can be so unexercized that they won't recover properly. A knee cap isn't that bad of a surgery from what I hear so you really should check into it very soon. Good luck and good luck to nicksgrammy too with your second knee. When will you have that done?

Pass the crumpets. Aimee you sure make good ones. YUMMMMMM

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Why, thank you! As a southerner, I do love baked goods, and these are guilt-free. Try the fig preserves, too, with a generous amount of butter. Ummmm, talked myself into it.

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Ohhh fig preserves sound wonderful indeed. Figs are rare in my part of the woods.
Butter? Would you like some of this freshly churned butter from the cow I used to own and sold to my friend? And some sweet creamy home milked Jersey milk to wash it all down with? Nothing better.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

fresh milk? Pass me a glass my DH wants one too!!! MMMM some of that butter please, anyone know how to make fresh yeast rolls? MMMM love DG food, guilt free food is the best!

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Ah, you have come to the right place, I make a wonderful yeast roll. Coming right up, but I want to first enjoy a tall glass of that buttermilk. I do believe it's nectar for the goddesses.

Shucks, now I have to decide between these buttermilk biscuits and my fabulous rolls, so I think I shall have one of each, with loads of good butter and figs on each.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

mmmmm never had fig preserves but pass over here would love to try!

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Hillbilliebo, you should prepare youself for this treat. Remember, there was a time when figs were reserved for royalty. When preserved, they are like candy, but better, and they pack a lot of nutrition. But they are addictive. I don't think I have ever met anyone who didn't love them from the first bite. So, as I pass them to you, close your eyes and imagine you are sitting on your throne, scepter in hand, and open your mouth to receive this rare treat. Now, close, and experience the slightly tough texture of the skin, the deliciously moist flesh, the juice exploding throughout your mouth. Take your time, let it linger on your taste buds, chew slowly as you become aware of the slightly grainy texture of the tiny seeds. When you can no longer resist, let it slip down your throat slowly, and concentrate on the flavor it leaves in your mouth.

After you have eaten the first one, you will need to have one on a buttered roll or biscuit. I know, it seems there is no way to improve on the first one, but you shall see.

Welcome to fig lovers universal.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

mmmm - such word play is phenominal I can tast the grainy seeds on my tongue and feel them slide down my throat. mmm now i'll have to get that fig tree i told DH we didn't need

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

Waaaa I want some fresh figs. They aren't found here at all and can barely find the dried ones. And the trees take too long to produce their fruit for our northern climate. sniff sniff Now that I have that off my chest, I will welcome hillbilliebo into the world of fig lovers. Maybe we should start a club of fig lovers anonymous. Our pledge can start with "I am hopelessly addicted to figs and I need help."

Pass that fig preserves jar around this way Please.

Oh Aimee, your dinner rolls are sooo good. I usually make my rolls into fry bread before they get baked since the fresh butter tastes so good with a little honey mixed in it and smeared liberally on the bread. Want to try some of my fry bread?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

eww i just love home cooked rolls. hot and yummy. some one pass the butter. mouth is watering.

what in pray tell is a mormon cricket????
i have morning glories here in SC but never had any problems. oh you are so lucky getting morning glories from the co op they sound so great. everyone is talking about it.

my doctor is keeping a eye on my knee. he says i can go like i am for a while. cant afford the surgery at the moment. i have back problems before my knee so its nothing new for me to be in pain. i excersise my legs every day so they stay strong. up to walking two miles a day. aint shrunk my backside padding or my tummy yet. oh well

i got in my garden today and layed down black plastic finally. all this rain the weeds are terrible. i got some good news today though.

a friend of mine got hold of a pack of yellow morning glory seeds and is sending me half. its only like twenty a piece but from what i hear these are so hard to get to bloom. so i will keep you posted on my progress. maybe i can trade seeeds next year. fingies crossed for me.

okay off to soak off my sore muscles. hugs to all Imzadi

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

a Mormon cricket is of the grasshopper family, I am told. They seem to group together and munch their way along for up to a mile a day and 50 miles in their lifetime. They munch and breed and their lives seem to go in cycles so there are many more this year than last near here. We are watching the situation closely as they can really wreak havoc on all plant tissues in their path. Right now I am hopeful that the poisoning of grain that they like to eat will thin the populations greatly so they won't be of such a problem to us. A friend recently suggested that I submirge them in chocolate and feed them to my friends which would make them disappear. (I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!) FOFLMBO

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, I don't know, if you put them in fudge, and just don't mention it, they might seem a lot like nuts when they crunch. Yuck! But if people eat chocolate coated ants in some parts of the world, maybe this isn't such a strange notion.

Fry bread? New to me, thanks for sharing.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey now!!! You guys started this party without me? Well let me jump right in there.............

Aimee, pass those fig preserved this way, can't say that I've ever had those before. Imzadi, can I have one of those big cozy towels over there? I'll wrap myself into one and go over here and get me one of those nice tough massages...........ooooooh, that feels good :)

hillbilliebo, don't hog all the chocolate covered strawberries!!! How dare you not share..........lol

Ok, do we have any good music to listen too?

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Ah, yes, music! What will be your pleasure? I can play DJ like a pro, you know. But if Wintermoor happens by, he's the best, he knows all about who wrote and performed what and when and where to find it. Maybe we could start out with something from Strauss, or would you prefer Mozart?

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

how about some Mozart while my massage is going on? Nothing like listening to Mozart and totally relaxing :)

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Coming up! We can start out with "The Marriage of Figaro", move on to "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", "The Magic Flute", and maybe "Violin Concerto in D Major". By the time those finish, this DJ will be sleeping like a baby, because this relaxes me so well.

Brazil, IN(Zone 5a)

mmmm - classical? I'll have to try that don't think I know the difference between Figaro and Fig preserves (hehehe) but i'll listen to anything to help me relax. Share? Chocolate? Flowox? I thought you knew me better than that! (rotflmbo)

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey now, don't be stingy!!
Aimee!!! Someone!!! Hillbilliebo is hogging all the chocolate!!!
You should try it sometime Tracy, it's really soothing but has to be at a low volume. If it's loud, I don't like it :)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

okay everyone stop figting over the chocalote because i just made a chocalote cake. music is soothing. lets see what are we missing? we have the hot tub going , massages, bath oils, candles, food, great convo and our friends. i dont think nothings missing.

these green inch worm thingys are eating my plants.

yesterday we decided to go through all my old pots of stuff that wasnt blooming. well we got all that done and moved to the back of the garden and saw 7 pots of dirt. now i learned long ago dirt dont get it in pots for plants. well we moved them out to the street with the intention of dumping the dirt out . thinking what ever was in them was dead after neglect of forgetting them and being in dirt. so i thought.

well these pots were slam full of spider lily bulbs(lycros bulbs ). i believe. the ones who put up a stalk with the bright red flower then all you see is long leaves after. well anyway.so we get finished digging all these bulbs out the pot. didnt see no leaves or dead leaves. just bulbs. well hubby made a planter box 2 ft by 6 ft for them. wasnt big enough. we put like 60 bulbs in there and still have some left over. now i got to find a spot for them.

lesson always check your pots. these bulbs decided to be rabbits and breed. oh well hubby loves them so will deal with them.

oops the water is getting cool. must turn up heat on hot tub. this party is great. gonna refill drinks who wants another?????

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm all up for another drink, don't get the hot tub too hot :)

I think I need to jump in a cool pool to cool off a bit, it's mighty warm today. That massage sure felt good.
Oh, you said Chocolate cake, didn't you? Let me have some before Hillbilliebo comes along and claims it too........lol

I'll have to bring her some chocolate when I go to her house to drop off my dogs for vacation :)
Some good ole German chocolate that I can buy at Aldi's here.........how's that for a treat, Tracy?

Who's got the ice tea ready? I need a refill.......lol

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Cake! Yes! And I think I'll do a round in the sauna, then jump into a cool dip and end up on the massage table. No need to change the music, it's among my favorites. I want about a quart of that moisturizer slathered all over my body. Can I get away with sneaking some really lengthy foot massage into this deal? Oooh, this is Paradise.

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