White Flies

I have been battling white flies for two summers now in one of my flower beds. I have tried the yellow paper with honey solution with no results. Does anybody have any suggestions? Luckily, this flower bed is separated from my other beds so they don't seem to be spreading, but how long can I really keep them contained? HELP!!

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

Pollyo, I've used Safer Insecticidal Soap successfully. I did a Google search on it and came up with numerous sites providing information on it. Give it a whirl and good luck!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I got white flies last year from a tropical plant from Lowe's. I was really upset when I realized I had brought them home. Now they have spread to my hedge and are slowly killing it. I had been using Insecticidal Soap (apparently unsuccessfully) on the plant, but the whire flies have spread and I don't know if the soap will be successful on 100 feet of hedge.

La Mesa, CA(Zone 10a)

For whitefly and aphid control:

1 can cheap beer
1 cup clear ammonia
1/2 cup Murphy's Oil Saop
1 teaspoon Miracle Gro or similar

mix in a 40 oz sprayer and top up w water to make 1 qt
soak the insects and leaves esp the underside and repeat in 7 days. This kills them on contact and kills the larva but not the eggs. Spray every two weeks or so until the whiteflies are under control.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

I had the nasty things on star of jasmine. I put a tablespoon or so of Dawn dishwashing detergent in the "Miracle grow" sprayer and spray every couple of weeks. It mucks up their wings so they can't fly and newly hatched ones cant leave the plant because they are glued on.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Try neem oil, a couple of teaspoons of neem and a squirt of non anitbacterial dishsoap in a gallon of water and spray. Neem is an insect growth regulator and will keep the larva from moving up to the next stage. It takes spraying every few days for three weeks to get all stages of the insect and break their growth cycle. You can alternate the neem with Safers. If you have Avid, it's also labeled for whiteflies. If an insect is exposed to an insecticide(except pyrethrum) it's whole entire life cycle it can become immune to it. Marrathon(imidicloprid) used to work great on whiteflies, but they have said this year there are more and more instances of resistant varieties.

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