Shady Hedge

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

My narrow west side of house is shady under our big Fir tree and neighbors big Hawthornes. Suggestions for privacy hedge? I just pulled out old dying Arborvites. Should I replace with some new Arborvites? I have a few big pieces of lattice leaning against the cyclone fence to break view between our bedroom and their bathroom. Thinking of using non-invasive ivy, "lady frances" for the lattice. What do they mean "non-invasive" ivy. Seems too good to be true.

Dearborn, MI(Zone 5b)

What are the conditions there? Is there any moisture after the fir takes its share or do you do supplemental watering? Is there any sunshine or is it always in dense shade? What zone are you in? I have a very shady yard, but the other conditions really determine what will work.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I am in Pacific Northwest, zone 6-7, and do have a garden hose out there, altho lots of rain 9 months out of year. I am taking off the lower rung of fir brances that touch our roof--maybe 30 ft up, so there will be dappled light. More light, of course at either end of trees.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Ivy on the latice would make a lovely backdrop for fuscias in your shadey location.

Dearborn, MI(Zone 5b)

Deciduous shrubs: Barberry (pretty red ones?), Clethra, dogwoods-shrub type. Evergreen: Euonymus--with support, one of the hollys that's good for your area, Mountain Laurel or Rhododendron. Or you can do the arborvitae again...since that definitely worked. The ivy sound very nice, but like you I can't imagine a well-behaved ivy unless the conditions are really poor.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you for the "possibilities". Dogwood-shrub types? I thought trees, slow growing, was it. I have read that the Americian Ivy Assoc. has several non-invasive ivy's, like "lady frances" is one. Never heard any story, practical experience, re: this type of ivy. Again, thank you. Just goes to show, it's not what you know but who you know and I know D.Garden.

Dearborn, MI(Zone 5b)

There are quite a few dogwood shrubs. I have a variegated variety of red twig dogwood growing in partial shade. It loses its leaves in winter, however, so isn't as good if you are looking for a dense screen. However, the woody parts, particularly newer growth, turn a beautiful deep red in winter. I stuck a few pieces in my window boxes along with Christmas greens in December, just for decoration. One of them rooted, and now I have another shrub. Check the Plants Database on this site for a list of other choices.

Woodburn, OR(Zone 8a)

instead of ivy, you could plant a passion flower on the lattice, in a year or two it will be covered completely, mine has taken over the whole side of my garage in two years, and it's evergreen, too!

Winchester, VA(Zone 6b)

How about yew? It is shade tolerant, pest free
and tough. Poisonous though if you have animals that each the bushes.

yew - taxus

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yew, uh? Will look that up. Thanks.

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