How to clean out gourd for birdhouse?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

HELP! I've finally found some time to make some birdhouses with my gourds. I'm probably not going to paint them or do anything fancy. I just want to drill some drainage holes and then add an appropriate size hole for whatever type of bird I'll be trying to attract.

BUT, here's my question... HOW in the heck do you clean out the inside of the gourd if you're only making a few drainage holes and one hole for the birds to get into the gourd?

This really has me stumped!

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

First I make a pilot hole with a sharp object, then use an exacto knife to enlarge the hole to the size I want and finish by sanding with a piece of rolled sand paper.
The gourd is dry as a bone inside and the 'guts'and seeds will simply shake out of the hole you make Morph!
If need be, pop in a couple of loose screws and shake the gourd, the screws will dislodge any pith left atached to the inside. :))

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, RA! I'll try this tomorrow. I had some gourds that shriveled on me while drying over the winter :( They don't rattle too well...

I'll try this with a solid, dry gourd.

I really am grateful since I didn't know where to start!!!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Here's another site for you to read about cleaning your gourds Morph ~ ~ Hope it helps.
Also, Some of my gourds didn't 'rattle' when they were dry, But, They were fine when I used them for birdhouses.
Another one for you ~

This message was edited Monday, Jun 9th 10:36 PM

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Ah-ha! So, first I'll rattle the screws for awhile and then I'll try an "interior cleaning" using the dowel rod with a washer screwed to the end >:-)

Too funny! A lot different than cleaning a car, eh?

Truly, I appreciate the advice as I want to get these out for the birds ASAP! Our neighbors had cardinals nesting in their rose bush and I've been feeding the parents sunflower seeds :) They are just so beautiful to see ~ such a gorgeous color!

Thanks ☺☺☺

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

I added another link for you in the last post, Just put it in so don't know if you seen it yet.
A lot of different birds nest at different times of the year so there's a good chance you'll get one to nest in your gourd so you don't have to rush.
Cardinals 'Are' such pretty birds!! We have a pair here all the time, I love when the purple leaf sand cherry bush gets it's cherries because we get to watch the cardinals swallowing the cherries whole! They love them! And it's so funny to watch!

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Iris! I did get the second link and I was curious if the birds wouldn't just make do with what was there if I just provided the basics. Kind of like my own home ~ we've a few doors, but the inside is full of junk ~ lol! We fix it as needed and it keeps us protected from the elements :)

I'm so glad you're back and posting!!! Hope you're feeling better.

Lots of Hugs!!!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Your welcome Morph! :)
I wouldn't worry too much about totally cleaning it out, They say some birds like a little that's left for nesting material for themselves. ( Would deinately make drainage hole though and maybe some 'vent' holes, Especially if it will be placed anywhere where the sun will be on it.
We're pretty much the same you, We do things in our home as they need being done, And it works out fine for us :)
Not feeling to bad on this end ( Thank you) And it's nice to be back, When I can get here anyway LOL, Always,Always busy!
Tons of hugs back at you Morph!

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