
Bonifay, FL(Zone 8a)

We have had lots of rain & the skeeters are really bad. We have dumped all the containers we see. I have put skeeter dunks in some pails I want to keep water in but they are still question.. what is the best spray to use? What has helped you? I have some with deet but it doesn't seem to help. I can't enjoy working in the yard like this :(

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Greenwood, I also had some spray with DEET - - but it didn't seem to help keep the mosquitos away for long. Then I found a site that rated the various sprays and discovered that the percentage of DEET is important. I switched to Cutter Backwoods with about 25% DEET and it seems to work much better than the other sprays that only had about 5-6% DEET. There is also another Cutter for hunters that is almost 100% DEET, but I bet it's not what you would want to use.

I will warn you that the higher the % DEET, the stickier the spray is. If I am just going to be outside under an hour, I use the Skintastic brand spray and maybe apply it twice. It smells nice and doesn't leave you sticky - - but it's only effective a short while. If I'm going to be outside longer, I use the Cutter Backwoods and take a shower afterwards.

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Greenwood, are you from Greenwood?

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

Weeds, I was using Greenwood's puter while mine was in the shop. He is my DH & U met him at the swap. I have my puter back now.

nathalyn, I got some spay on your advice today with almost 24% deet & was able to stay out over an hour & no bites. I did come in & wash it off as I doubt that much spray is good for a person besides it feels yucky. At least I can stay out now & that's good.
I was using Skintastic & it was like water on me.

Bonifay, FL(Zone 8a)

WEEDS I think U left some of your seeds in my garden will U come pull them out! :)

When I work outside and the bugs are bad; I just take a regular fabric sheet and rub it on my arms, neck, legs and face, and bugs don't seem to bother me. The insects just don't like the smell that are in those fabric sheets.

Fogot to mention; that when your finished rubbing yourself down with the fabric sheet; just tie it to your belt loop or tuck it inside a pocket with some hanging out

This message was edited Monday, Jun 9th 7:53 PM

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

Ha Greenwood, I love to share!
Sugar, yes I remember both of you but yesterday went by a road sign that said Greenwood and was just curious if that is where he got his name.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

Weeds I really think he got it from plant stems. If U share those weeds be sure they are put in his Hosta beds & not my garden *LOL*

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

saw a news report last night that says use Deet. and even on little kids. they recommend 30%. I was really suprised. I have to use it, they are so bad here, you can't walk out without it and the skeeters love me!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

So we all have something in common with the skeeters then? We love you too tiG! LOL

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I think I wanna "screen" suit or poncho or somethin else for them to stick they're germy little beaks into! I think they love my shampoo.

Molly, can you sketch out one of these? You're the creative one! We can make our first million right here on DG.

montgomery, AL(Zone 7b)

TiG The best I could find was 23%. They sure love me too. DH hardly ever gets bitten but he always wears long pants.. I wear shorts.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

LOL Now you know I'd look mighty funny wearing a screen suit?!! What a site that'd be!!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

ok, picture this; big old fashioned hat with long veil and long skirt!
We could sashay about like old film stars, lol!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

lol! and never get anything done! Sugar, go to Walmart camping dept, and look there. I compare but almost everything has 24-29%.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

If it wouldn't be soo hot under that screen skirt and veil I'd consider it! The skeeters are not the only thing that bites me while I'm in the garden, its the sweat bees and the biting flies!! OOCH!! I get soo mad I usually just come back in the house!

Dearborn, MI(Zone 5b)

Our mosquitoes came despite the cold, and we have lots of West Nile virus in the area. I use Deepwoods Off, which has about 24% DEET, but have to plan on a shower when I come in because of the "green" smell. It does repel mosquitoes and other biting things, but I've found I need to cover every bit of my person with it, or the bugs bite in the unsprayed area.

Has anyone tried Skin-So-Soft by Avon?
I have heard this helps-I have never tried it myself so I don't know.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

My Mother use to use that years ago, and it does work. But I think her Avon lady quit selling it. But yea it does work, although the smell isn't too appealing to me, but then again most bug repellent don't smell good. LOL

I've been using Off Botanicals and it works pretty well. It doesn't smell bad either. The bugs just love me so I will get bitten anyway. I use a basil leaf and it takes the itching away right away.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey Vi! Look what I found!!!!
Its just what you wanted!!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

LOL, yep.
Cool, crisp, polyester, bet that's comfy!
Aw gee, too bad it doesn't cover the legs!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Ya know I bet if ya had a pants pattern and some of that black cloth screen that comes on a could make a pair of pants and it'd sew pretty easy on the sewing machine too!

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