
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I decided to treat myself this morning. I usually go for a bird watching drive 3 or 4 times a month after spring arrives, but this year I have been so busy with my new Woodland Garden area, planning, planting, etc. that i only went one time for an hour. So today I got in my trusty little pickup and off we went. Drove 88 miles in5 hours. I stopped several times. Saw 22 different varieties of birds, 3 deer and 1 coyote. I was very disappointed tho at one place where I have stopped 2 or 3 time a year and have seen many kinds of birds. There is a large metal cattle wattering tank near the bottom of a shallow gully where a pipe is fastened to a post and always had a tiny stream of water going into the tank. For 8 or 9 years it has been that way. Never knew where the water came from, but this year no water and no birds. The area is in a very dry hillside and the only water around. Really sad to lose that great bird watching site. Donna

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Donna that is sad. I always think about those birds that migrate to the south for the winter, have a tough time as the rainforests are being depleted, then in spring they journey north, put up with storms, cold weather, cell towers, searching for food along the way and then arrive at a place that had water and food the previous year only to find a wasteland or come back to the north country to the woods they left behind and it's a housing development named the "Woodlands" and most of the trees are chopped down!!

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