What do I do with this?

Grady, AL(Zone 8a)

I let my neighbors use the barn and they never cleaned up after their horses. I have hay, manure, etc that has been in my barn for over 3 yrs. Theres like 4 yrs worth of this. Can I put this directly into my bed? I shoveled the urinated stuff out and onto the weeds. I put some of it in my compost pile and should have my first batch of compost (ever) in a couple weeks (hope all the grubs are gone by then). I have sandy-loam soil and want to have a happy home for worms and of course for my flowers :)

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

I would find some where to sit it aside if you can,may be too hot to put right on a bed,sounds like you have a mees and a gold mine rolled in one,sorry you had to doo the clean up.

Grady, AL(Zone 8a)

I have plenty of room to set it outside. I have mostly full sun no matter where I put it. Would shade be better?
I will get some worms and make a new compost pile :) I just have to put it outta the way from my DH. This is my first year making compost. Looking at that big mess in my barn gave me the idea.

I read your "Compost 101" under organic gardening. VERY informative. Thanks for sharing your wonderful wisdom and all your help!

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

If that stuff has been sitting for 3-4 years already, it's about as composted as it's going to get as manure. I wouldn't hesitate to use it directly in the garden.

What I would do is spread it on the surface of your garden, being sure that no plants touched it directly. Then this fall you can till it in to help create a happy home for the micro-herd.

Grady, AL(Zone 8a)

Think I'll try some around my 4 O'clocks. Which need something! Are still only about 1 1/2" and almost 4 wks outta the ground.

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

I'd pile it all aside somewhere,sun or shade and let it sit.YMO.

Grady, AL(Zone 8a)

There is so much, I can make several piles. It won't matter if I lose the 4 O'clocks as it seems they have finished growing
:( must be all that sand!

Thanks to both of you :)

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm with Brook on this one. If it is 3 to 4 yrs. old, then it is perfectly good to use. I have always been told horse manure should be 1 yr. old before using too much of it in one bed. I am thinking of side dressing with some I've got.

Grady, AL(Zone 8a)

My DH was pulling passion vine, briars, and poision ivy away from the barn and there was what looks like compost. I used that on the 4 O'clocks and put the horse stuff around some shrubs I just got received making sure none of it touched the bark. Maybe they'll all perk up :)

Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

In Florida the worms really like it if you put composted material down in your flower beds then cover it with a nice cover of shredded (or unshredded) oak leaves. The leaves make a nice mulch and help hold in moisture. The composted material draws the worms and the worms also eat the leaves making even better compost.


I never have enough leaves

Grady, AL(Zone 8a)

Delisa, I have some leaves that are probably some what decomposed already. Think I will add some of those to all my beds today and around my shrubs as well. That is a great idea :) Thanks!!

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