WISH LIST for Secret Trade

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

By popular demand, well, by MOLLYBEE and dispatcher, let's start a wish list for the secret trade to give our traders some helpful suggestions.

I'll go first: I will be very happy with what ever anyone shares with me from their garden; if I already have one, I will be thrilled to have one from a new (or old) friend.

My newest interest seems to have taken the form of Heuchera, Tiarella, Heucherella, hardy Geraniums, Pulmonaria. These and other Hosta companions would be great.


Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

I like fruits but will be happy with most anything that doesn't take over like mad as I have limited space........lol

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I have a list in my trade list http://davesgarden.com/tl/tiG/viewbystatus/2408.html

will be happy with anything you share:)

Belvidere, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is a link to my wish list. I am into perennials for zone 5. I like anything I can put into the ground. lol I am also interested in herbs.


Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

John, ya done good, sweetie!! I have a wanted list, but I would be happy with anything anyone sends me with love. I do love caladiums and coleus too........almost any tropical, not much into herbs.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I would love any plants!! :)
Im into daylily's and iris. Id love a pink gas plant or some bears breech. Blood grass is something i lost from a horribliy mean winter! :(
But Im really not picky or would i ever complain over a FREE plant even if i have it!
Oh more plants-yippy yahoooooooo!! :)

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

I would love to recieve just about anything. Always looking for something new, but could certainly find space for something I already have. Love to get different varieties/colors of those species I do have,(esp varigated varieties) as well as plants that are new to me. Especially love herbs, wildflowers, but any flowering plant will do. I also have grow lights in the basement to overwinter any plants that might not be hardy here in zone 6. In summary-SEND ME ANYTHING!

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

John, I'm glad you did this also. I can't figure out how to edit my want list. I love caladiums, coleus, alstromeria, alocasias, penstemons and I am a hostaholic. I have more shade than I do sun. Also looking for epiphyllums besides night blooming cereus. Would love a monkshood but that is dreaming probably. Just about anything but I do love deep colors.

Anything variegated!!! Toad lilies I don't have.


This message was edited Friday, Jun 6th 6:14 AM

This message was edited Friday, Jun 6th 11:46 AM

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm with John, right down to his list. I also need full sun plants. I love hardy semps and sedums, grasses, neat foliage plants. Most of all, I just like to get packages in the mail. I'm as bad as a child.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

So glad John started this thread. I for one am very easy to please and since I don't have too many plants now, it makes it easy! My favorite color is Red and Blues. I would love to have a ton of red flowers! But as most everyone else has said I will be happy with any kind or color plnats. I just love getting plants from friends :)

My secret trader hasn't posted yet....but I am still thinking about the threads they started, so that will help me out.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

I'm in your boat Mollybee and am still waiting for a post.........lol

Cullman, AL(Zone 7a)

Will be happy with anything at all!! I have P-lenty of space.
I have a little want list on my trade page at my site
Right now I am a hostamaniac, especially the tiara's..also want Black Mondo, Jap blood grass, varigated maiden grass, love the black leaved Canna "Australia"...in love with other dark or red leaved stuff, love Cuphea, taro, any perennials that can take our southern heat and sun, stuff that blooms for a long time, groundcovers, really like vines, my want list could go on and on...see, I am pretty darn happy to get anything at all!!

Thanks John this is a great idea.

I like almost anything. I have shade and sun. I seem to be drawn to coleus, hostas and herbs lately. I would be thrilled with anything.

Gilmer, TX

Still waiting for my secret trade to post, so will post my list. I'm easy to please, have lots of sunny and shady spots. Sort of gaudy, like bright colors but would be thrilled with pretty pastels also. I just like surprises in the mail. Pam

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I like just about anything too. I'm getting away from herbs because I ran out of room in the yarden. I like houseplants, perennials, and anything that smell good. Lou

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh gosh, I'm not fussy. I do like perennials or anything fragrant. My favorite flower is phlox, but I especially like flowers than I can cut and bring in the house. Actually, anything that resembles a plant will be very welcome!

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

I'm really not fussy at all, Anything at all would suite me just fine. A 'wish list' of mine would be to have : Red Sneezeweed, Garden phlox, Blood grass,Blanket flower, Sea Holly, Toad Lilly, Goatsbeard, or Pond floaters. But, It's just a wish list, And anything at all that I recieve, I'd be happy with, Especially because it would be coming from a DG memeber :)

Grandview, TX(Zone 7b)

Here are a "few" things on my wishlist.
anything variegated
Cigar Plant
Daylilies (especially Dallas Star)
Kangaroo Paw
Night blooming Jasmine
swiss cheese plant
passion vine (especially white)
Hosta- I have started a hosta garden to comemorate those who are serving in Operation Enduring Freedom. so anything that will fit the theme (or not ha!)

Plain City, OH(Zone 5b)

I would love anything that someone thought to share. I have 13 acres - some shade - some sun - some deer - some rabbits. I grow the celery in tubes,the helebores in the woods and the roses in a fenced garden near the house and a watch dog. There is a spot for anything to grow. My goal is year around interest. I have tried to put in plants of different leaf shape and color to add interest when blooms run thin.

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Nothing I need, but surprises are always fun! I just love Chicks & Hens, any variety!! Hardy ferns, hostas, coleus -things that are fairly small and non invasive!! If I already have more than a few, I can always share with my neighbors and still enjoy them!

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

me person doesn't have a list either. hope they will be happy with what I send.

Hobart, IN(Zone 5a)

I have a list too:http://davesgarden.com/tl/branka/viewbystatus/12538.html
I love everything, especially stuff that is hardy to zone 5.

Ocala, FL(Zone 9a)

Hmmm... My wish list -- I really don't have a wish list.

I have a corner of heavy shade and a corner of full sun in the backyard. I am also trying to get into butterfly gardening. I had some small milkweed plants but we have had so much rain that they drowned.


Cortlandt Manor, NY(Zone 6a)

I am a gardener newbie and would love any perennials that are are hardy in my zone and aren't red. I especially like blue, pink and purple. I have lots of sunny and shady areas I am trying to fill.

This message was edited Friday, Jun 6th 4:44 PM

Bedford (DFW), TX(Zone 8a)

Wow this is great! I've got mostly shade and part shade in zone 8. Anything that can tolerate fairly dry shade would be awesome. I hand water and the TX summers here are brutal no matter how thick the mulch. I also love herbs and small succulents. Thanks

Bedford (DFW), TX(Zone 8a)

Please disregard my post. I thought this thread was going to be used to start a new secret trade. Sorry for the confusion...I'm just learning about how all this works :).

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

plantsRfun, that's okay, there will be more trades if you missed out on this one. Dry shade is a real challenge. Do you grow hostas? Some of them are pretty tough, but friends from TX tell me they are harder to grow there with the high temperatures. John (Pardancanda)

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

My wish list: um,

I love flowers of all kinds. I live in zone 9 and my front and back yard are very sunny. I have allot of tropicals in my backyard, roses & other flowers in the front yard and I have one new garden I am working on building a butterfly/humming bird garden.

Anything you think would live in zone 9 that can take plenty of sun would be great. The best colors that go with my house are yellow, orange, white, purple & peach.

Surprise me I love surprises. :)

Have a great weekend everyone,

Fort Edward, NY(Zone 5a)

First I'd like to say that I'm sure I will really love anything...Surprises are so much fun. But to give you an idea of things I have my eye on, I love roses, mini roses especially, but any size or type rose is great! tri colored, pinks, oranges, ANYTHING. I Love voo-doo lilies, and other odd things like that. I have some space for anything damp and shade loving, I have some space for full sun as well. I have been looking all over for a true blue iris, Love yellow Iris's as well...Tall grass for behind my pond, I have alot of black flowers, can't ever have enough of 'em, I am in Zone 6. Also love interesting things like Jack in the Pulpit, etc. Im sure I will love anything I recieve, especially since I know it came from a fellow DG'ers garden.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Big ,bold ,splashy and loud.....

OH,.........you mean plants.......

same thing ,I like things that catch your eye......and I like to push my zone......

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

i like hardy tropicals for my zone 7. i love variegated and unusual plants for my zone. i would like to have hardy plants please unless you have an unusual house plant that you think i would like but if you dont have any of what i am looking for then you be the judge ok? i like most things .

Helena, AL(Zone 7b)

I Havent been at this house long, a little over a year so I need lots of things as I have a huge flower bed in the back that is full sun and not much in it. I also have a big flagstone patio that could use some pots of something full sun. I love bold bright colors, roses,( would love some mini ones) anything you love I will love! Oh...I also hace a screened in porch that gets part sun! This is better than Christmas!

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

List? What List??? I don't need to post no stinken "want list" cause I want everything....hehe

I am so easy to please that anything my trader sends me is great. I can walk around my garden and tell you who sent almost everyone of my plants from Secret Trades or reg. trades. If I get a plant that I already have, it will go into another part of my garden, you can always have 2 or 3 of the same plant.

So to my trader, please do not fuss over what to send me, as I will cherish it as long as it lives. lol I have so many things that I want to send to my trader and I don't know which ones I want to send, so she/he might get a huge box.

Oh, I just thought of something...I have recently gotten bitten by Rex Begonias and I am looking for "Escargot". I have the red one, Flamboyant and Iron Cross.

Can't wait to get my trade...a planting I will go, a planting I will go...la la la


Albany, MO(Zone 5a)

I'd bet my life that I'd already posted on this thread,,but I don't see my post, so if it's somewhere else, forgive me. Old Timers.:-[

My secret pal hasn't posted yet,,and I'm getting a little antsy...

I'm zone 5a, cold winters, hot summers. Have room for any size full sun plants. I'd love a perennial with orange blooms, about 8-16" tall. Along the same colorline of Asclepias turberosa. My beds around my home are of burgundy, rose with a little yellow thrown in. I have an acre of lawn,,plenty of room to put any and everything. I love all colors. Small front of the border plants would be great as well. Oh heavens,,,I'd like anything.

virginia beach, VA(Zone 8a)

okay here's my list too:

plumeria cuttings of any kind (i know...good luck huh? :-)
bananas (these too...:-)
any kind of flower bulbs
any and all perennials
groundcovers of any kind
fragrant bushes
fragrant anything!

Kingston, GA(Zone 7b)

I am in zone 7b and I love plants of all kinds! My favorites are perennials, tropicals (bananas, ees, gingers), and flowering shrubs. I am trying to start a few brugs but my knowledge of these is still new. I would love to have some blue or large leaf hostas for my shade to partial shade gardens. And I need some alstroemerias in my gardens too. Crinums, hardy amaryllis, and flowering bulbs are a favorite with me too.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

mine hasn't posted either!

"down the Shore", NJ(Zone 7a)

Mine either!!!

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

Mine either !!!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I guess I'm supposed to post? I have a detailed wish list on my trade page but I'm easy to please. If it grows ... I like it. I'm looking for colorful plants for containers, plants with colorful & interesting foliage, and low gowing plants for the top of my wall. I could also use some additional pond plants... it's looking sorta bare this year. Things I especially like are passifloras, brugs, iris, daylilies, sedums & semps, and mmmm.... whatever!

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