Sparrowhawks in the neighbourhood.

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

What used to be an occasional sighting is now a daily one! yes a pair of sparrowhawks have moved into the neighbourhood (much to the annoyance of the sparrow and kestrrel populations!)This morning I was stood on my doorstep and heard the most unholy noise, and looked up in time to see a female sparrowhawk drop down to the ground with a sparrow! I have also seen the kestrels diving and screaming at them over the plot. They are beautiful birds but at this rate we wont have any sparrows left! :O

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Nature's pretty good at keeping a balance when humans don't meddle.
Sparrowhawks are wonderful birds and would be very hard pushed to wipe out a species. So just enjoy their beauty and hope humans can put right the real reasons behind the fall in sparrow numbers

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