Grass Clippings as Mulch

Potomac Falls, VA(Zone 6b)

When you use grass clippings as a mulch, do they need to be dried out first? Today I put down grass clippings for the first time, but they were extremely wet from all the rain we have had (and still mostly green).

Is it okay to put it up against the plant or should there be a 'mulch free zone'?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I always make sure they are dry like hay before I use grass clippings.That's generally no problem here in west KY.They are about dry by the time I get done mowing.

You also need to put down several layers of newspaper,or your grass will sprout in your garden where seeds are dropped....been there,done that.

I put my mulch pretty much right up to the plant,but I have no snail or slug problem.

Potomac Falls, VA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Melody. I'll let the clippings dry out, and put down paper before I 're-apply'. Garden is small, so if I get some grass growth as a result of the effort mentioned above, I can pull it out. The paper should help suppress that.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine go straight from being mowed to around the plants.. All does fine. Been doing it 30 years..LOL

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

I usually put clippings down straight from the mower because they usually dry right out, that is until this year. I put them down as always and then the the rains came and came and came. The clippings ended up a slimy, foul smelling mess. I worried about fungus and other wonderful infestations so I pulled them off. Think I over-reacted?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Bob,that's also part of what I was concerned about this year...slimey messes.As cool and wet as it's been,a barrier might be better in this case.

I've got a big enough mess in my mud-hole of a garden as it is.

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