I'm offline at the moment

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

:( Yes, I'm offline just now. When I got up this morning and went downstairs to logon to my computer it was dead as a dodo. Looks like an electrical fault. It may take me a few days to get this sorted. I may even have to get in to a computer repair shop.

Haven't started my project yet but can use uni computers till I get this fixed (nuisance though). I've popped along to my local public library today. I'll probably use this to check the Internet for emails while I'm offline - it's only 5 minutes away from me - of course it's not open everyday. But better than nothing.


Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear that Diane - hope you're back up and running again soon (at not too great an expence!)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hmm. Still offline. Reckon this is going to take a few days to fix. Sigh. Am using the computer at uni today.
Just checking in.

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