Wisteria Bonsai

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Before i go to bed i wanted to post a couple of pictures of my 12 year old Wisteria Bonsai, first in bud then in bloom. Donna

Thumbnail by rutholive
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

This is the second photo of the Wisteria Bonsai in full bloom May 8, 2003. Donna

Thumbnail by rutholive
Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Very nice! I didn't realize so many plants could be turned into bonsai. I received a bonsai about a month ago as a birthday present. I am going to focus on keeping it alive for a while before I worry about shaping it.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh my, how did you do that??????????? I got a cutting from a mature wisteria about 6 years ago, it is healthy and wonderfully shaped into a tree, but it has NEVER bloomed! How did you accomplish that and how did you start it?

Brooksville, ME(Zone 5a)

I think this plant is so beautiful! I would also like to know how you did this

Manhattan Beach, CA(Zone 11)

Well, I guess that's Donna's secret. But the answer is, just like in real estate: Location, location, location!
It needs to be out in the sun, except during a hot spell when open shade would be better. Do not overwater, nor let it dry out.

Check out the Festival picture archives down the page here: http://www.sierramadrenews.net/wistaria.htm

This message was edited Jun 25, 2005 6:31 PM

Kenosha, WI(Zone 4a)

My understanding is that Wisteria take 7 years to bloom. I Planted
a Chinese Wisteria in my backyard next to a sturdy trellis10 years ago and it finally started blooming 3 years ago. The blooms get more prolific with age. I prune it back approximately 20% in Late fall
and then another 20% in early spring before the buds start forming.
By the way, I love your Bonsai!

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I see this is an old thread, but wow what a beautiful tree!
:) Donna

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sometimes old threads are the best!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

It took 12 years for the Wisteria to bloom. Didn't bloom last summer, don't know why. All my bonsai are out in what I call storage room, north side of garage. I only turn electric heat on in there if it gets really cold. So most things are still dormant. My fig tree is in there, sitting on the floor in coolest area, I am trying to keep it from leafing out before it can be put outside. Other springs it had all leafed out before the temp. was warm enough to put outside. I tried to harden off but still lost some leaves and buds.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Well, I think you'll need to post more of your other Bonsai tree.
:) Donna

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Here is a photo of a Japanese Pagoda tree that I grew from seeds, I think about 40 years ago. Somewhere I have a photo of the bonsai one sitting front of the grown in dirt tree. Was quite impressive to see the difference.


Thumbnail by rutholive

I have been reading up on Bonsai. Do I need to buy the best tools I can afford or do you need the special tools when you are just starting?
DonnaS, your plants are so beautiful. How did you start the wisteria?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Cindy, thankyou for the compliments. I bought the Wisteria as a small vine, was probably 2 or 3 years old when I bought it from Greers nursery in OR. Has been potted ever since. When the light is better I will take a photo of it just opening its racemes of lavender.

I did buy a set of bonsai tools, several years ago. A kind of nipper pruner that lets you cut close to the stem is a good tool. For that particular tool I would say get the best you can afford, for others just get whas seems best. Greers list various bonsai tools in their catalog. I bought their concave branch cutter, which when I bought was about half the price it is now, (as is almost everything else).


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Here is a photo I took this morning of my Wisteria bonsai just nicely beginning to bloom, but before the light was really good. Will take another later.


Thumbnail by rutholive
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

very nice...............

thought I would check out this forum and saw your thread. I was walking through a local nursery and saw planty of Bonsai af various trees. your wisteria gives me more ideas. I have been thinking about trying my hand at Bonsai but don't know how to start.


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Calvin, Glad you liked the Wisteria bonsai. That was the only chance I had to take a photo of it this year. Had unexpected emergency surgery May 1 for perforated diverticulits colon. Was in hosp. 8 days . Haven't recovered my former energy yet. Asked the doctor yesterday when I would get my energy back and his response was 'you are 80 give it more time'. So guess that means take it easy.

Anyway the way I learned was mostly out of books and magazines. Two books that helped me are The Bonsai Workshop' by Herb L. Gustafson and 'Bonsai in your Home' an indoor grower's guide, by Paul Lesniewicz. Hopefully you might find them in your local library. Good luck and if I can be of help, will be glad to answer any questions that I can.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you Donna

Hope you get your energy back to stroll in the garden again. You have my pr's. Adding you to my pr list if that is okay with you.


Bandung, Indonesia

Do you have any comments about this bonsai - one of my collection ([HYPERLINK@www.bonsaistar.com]) ?

Species : Ficus Benjamina

Style : Informal

Height : 50 cm

Thumbnail by limadijaya
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Very nice bonsai. You don't say how old, I understand that you may not know how old it is. Looks to be very healthy. I could not enlarge the photo. I would not have thought it to be Ficus Benjamina with that bulbous root. A ficus, yes, but not Benjamina,but since I can't really see the leaves or upper branches, I certainly cannot say it is B. If it is many years old, with all the pruning necessarty to keep it small it could have developed a bulbous root.

Anyway congratulations on a very nice bonsai.


Calvin, thanks for your prs, I am sure all the prayers have helped. I finally got back to feeling like going out to the garden, but now we have had your kind of weather. We have had 2 weeks of high 90s or triple digit weather and I just cannot be out in those temps, much less do any kind of garden work. The most I have been able to do is the constant irrigating that is necessary. D.

Bandung, Indonesia

Thank you very much for your comments. The bonsai is 20 years old and it is 100% Ficus Benjamina. You may enlarge the photo to see more detail. Hope you could enjoy more bonsai in our website !

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