Dicksonia antartica

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Dennis, if you're out there, where should I move it? It's about 5 years old now and has been mostly ignored. This is my year to give it some attention. It's up top, can I bring it down or is that too much sun? BTW, my Bird of Paradise survived outside all winter in a pot. LOL

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

It survived out??? jeesh I did mention my sangs outside all died right? Lucky microclimate-bum.
Send the Dicksonia over here. I have 5. Well two are Cyathea. Trust me! It'll do better here. They seem to stay greener with some shade. Really yellow in the sun. Try planting it right out. I dig mine up, I know they're hardy but....
I hear osmocote is good, I use 20-20-20.
*Funny how you knew that heading would attract me.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Can it take morning sun? Say until noon? I don't have any available ground space for it, it has to stay in a pot. Did I mention that I bought a 7 year old, about to bloom, with pups, Cardiocrinum when I went up to see Jeanne?

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

Really? 7 y/o? My little bulb died this winter. I kept it in GH, it survuved last year but this year I overwatered.
Your Dicksonia should do fine in morning sun. Second thought, no it will BURN, you must give it to me!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

So, when my Cardio dies, do you want a pup?
You have to get over here and get the hops aurea, I need the pot. And you can't have the fern now that I've decided to take care of it. Last year I would have paid you to take it away, I needed the pot then too. LOL

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

I'll try for tomorrow at about 6? I'm sure everyone is very interested in us by now. Anything you would like???

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

6 is good, bring a garbage bag for the hops, I'm not letting you take the pot. LOL

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

How nice for the two of you to have a gardening buddy somewhere within the same area. You are all spoiled out there in Lotus land; while us poor prairie folk have to put up with all kinds of catastrophes from mother nature. Finally today I started to plant my bedding plants. Have to say I am very proud of them this year. They look healthier and further along than most of the nursery stock I have seen locally. (Still have to go and look if only to pat myself on the back about what a good job we did this year.) As soon as I stop spending money on plants and GH goodies I'll get a digital camera and start posting some pictures of my efforts.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Hey! Welcome jagonjune! Please post pictures when you can. You're just a few hours away and I've seen pictures of some fantastic Edmonton gardens. But was that SNOW! I saw on the news a couple of weeks ago? Did you grow all your annuals from seed? You must have a large gh.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes we grew all the annuals from seed. I have a girlfriend whose thumbs are much greener than mine and we do the labour together. We started three years ago - very poor results first year. Second year was much better but still a long way from what I wanted to achieve. Bought a lot of books last summer. Thats my solution to most anything - read a bunch. We set up any area in the foyer of my house as our propation spot and managed with bottom heaters and those little plastic covered three shelved things that lee valley was selling to get three different temperature/humidity zones. Propation rates were much better for most plants this year. Total failure on the nicotiana; but I think next year I'd keep them in complete darkness until they germinate. We kept our lites much closer to the seedlings this year and gave them one full spectrum and one regular fluorescent fixture. Grew in root trainer trays from lee valley - much better quality seedlings with the deeper conical cells. Transplanted once in march and then moved them to our 'growing on' area at Easter. (That was a section of the sunroom I have on the north side of my house which we sectioned with a bright white plastic which reflected about 85% of the light. Augmented light with a 1000 watt metal halide fixture from a hydroponic shop and a little space heater for the very cold nights.) The temperature got as low as forty some nights but not worse and I think the northern orientation saved us from burning up the plants this last couple of weeks. The plants actually look better than most of the product I've seen at the garden centres. We've made some notes for improvement for next years crops - we could start later than the 17th of February planting date that we had this year judging from how advanced the plants were by mid may. My morning glories have been blooming for 3 weeks now, the salvia are in full bloom, black pansies look phenominal and the fountain grass and purple millet are large. Datura have been blooming for a couple of weeks and our wave petunias are twice the size of most garden centre product. No transplant shock seen yet either. We did have a couple of bug problems but a shipment of ladybugs from Westgro seemed to keep everything manageable. I started planting tomatoes on Sunday and I actually have fruit on the tigerellas already. Wow - talk about a motor mouth. But thanks for the welcome and I'll get pictures ASAP

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Wow! What a lot of effort went into your growing.
You must be very determined. Can you give us an idea of how mnay plants you grew?
Do you have a large garden to fill? I'm impressed..Morning glories in bloom......my my..
Good for you!

Welcome jagonjune. Great to have another Canadian here. Sounds like you're having a great time. Don't you just love the metal halide lights. They make such a difference. I use them in the greenhouse for growing all my brug seedlings and in the conservatory for the large brugs when the winter days are grey.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Near as I can calculate we produced about 800 bedding plants. This takes care of my girlfriends yard - not large but she can cram containers in an amazing number of places. My yard which though not large seems to consume a lot of plants by the time I do all my containers and baskets. I plant all the planters at my business which is a restaurant on a corner property. And I use the vegetables which are started indoors on a small garden I keep out at the stables where I keep my horses. By the way; against all advise I started corn indoors and transplanted it on Wednesday. No evidence of transplant shock in the first 24 hours and it nice to see corn 4 to 5 inches high on the 29th of May. I just emptied the GH area last night cleaned it up and turned it back into useable sunroom space. Still have 11 trays of plants to use in baskets and the new bed I'm building on the city boulevard (started that allan block project today). Another way I wouldn't want to earn my living. My knees feel like they could use some WD40. Will be sending an order for brugs soon.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

June....you are one busy lady..good for you!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Well when you're feeling better jagonjune, pop down here and help me out. I only have just about everything still to get planted in my garden. I've gotten to the point where I'm not even noticing that everything is still in black grower pots. But hey, they all match. I'm thinking of repainting the trim on my house black to match them. LOL

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

LOL so are mine Liz. I only got them out under the shade of a tree this week to harden off.
jagonjune, when your done at Liz's come east to Ontario. :))

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hey I finally have all my containers planted and most of the vegetables in - the rest of them tomorrow am. Am now going to have one very large gin and tonic and a soothing hot tub. Thanks for the invites to travel but I think I have to stay home and water and weed and feed and just generally maintain all this. My yard is north facing so lots of things back there are later than the rest of the city. I must have 200 tulips in bloom right now and the sight of them almost takes the back ache away.

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