I am looking for milkweed

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)


Does anyone have any extra milkweed plants or seeds by chance? Even just one little plant would be great. My daughter and I are trying to make a butterfly garden and we can not find this plant anywhere local.

I have many things I could trade I am sure. If you do please e-mail me at nolaatebay@yahoo.com

"I know this isn't the spot to put this, but I thought of all people ya'll would have it here."

Thanks so much and have a great Holiday Weekend!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Laura, I'll have some seeds soon. Would that be okay? Let me know. Welcome to DG.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Lisa,
Thanks very much for the offer and the welcome. I love it here this is such a great web-site.
I no longer need the seed, because I found this great free site on the web. Well it's free with $1.00 donation. It's a great site and you may want to check it out.
There is allot of information on this site.
Here's the address:
I read your information Lisa and looked at your picture. What a great looking family you have. It sounds like your a great person too. It was very nice meeting you and I look forward to catching up with you again.
Me, my fiance and my kids are about to attempt our first vegetable garden and I may need some pointers. ;)
Thanks again, and have a wonderful day,

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Thats a cool site!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Laura, thank you for the nice words. I hope we get a chance to meet. I take frequent trips to Belle Chase, maybe we could arrange a meeting at some point.

For pointers on veggie gardens: Get Dan Gills Month to Month Guide to Louisiana Gardening. It is fantastic and well worth the investment. I think it costs about 20 bucks or so. It is packed full of info on everything from lawn care to veggie planting. Also, call your county agent there in New Orleans: if you are in Jefferson Parish the # is-504-838-1170. If you are in Orleans Parish it is 504-482-1107. Request the publication called : Louisiana Vegetable Planting Guide. They will send it to you free. (your tax dollars hard at work...lol)This guide is fantastic, it contains all the cultural recommendations, fertilizer recommendations and recommended varieties to plant that work for our area. Ask them to send various info. sheets on 'mators and what ever else you want to plant. Don't be shy to ask. They should mail out everything you request. Hope this helps..boy, we southern gals sure do like to yak huh...grin.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Lisa,
Sorry I just got back to reading this tonight. It's been busy around home with the kids out of school. Plus I kind of got lost here. ha ha.. I am just learning how to get around at Dave's.

Thanks for all your great information and #'s I'll be calling those on Monday morning. :)

We've had a set back on our veggie garden. My seeds have yet to get here I've got to make some phone calls on that too. Our tomato plants are doing great. We've already got a few big ones and a lot of the grape size. I think a bird or squirrel really likes them too, because yesterday we found one 1/2 eaten, like something big pecked at it.

We did get our Milk weed plant, the seeds and 2 baby Monarch cats. My daughter is really thrilled and she was even more thrilled yesterday when we found 2 more on the Milk Weed plant. :)

Lisa, Belle Chase is pretty close to me. Maybe we can set up a meeting one day when your coming through, that would be nice.

Great meeting you and I hope you and your family are having a great Summer.

Thanks again for all the help.

Monroe, LA(Zone 8a)

Hi Laura,

I live in New Orleans (Carrollton) but this week I've been driving to Baton Rouge for a series of meetings. Yesterday I stopped at the Lowe's store on Siegen Lane and saw lots of milkweed plants in the garden center. They had 1 gallon pots of 'Silky Red' (Mixed red and gold blooms) and 'Silky Gold' (solid gold blooms). I think this was a new shipment so you might want to check the Lowe's closest to you. I couldn't find a price so I don't know how much they were but these were gorgeous healthy plants! I bought milkweed at the hummingbird/butterfly sale at City Park last year and mine didn't look anywhere near as good as these! Lots of flowers and bright green leaves. I was thrown off a little bit because they didn't call them milkweed. If they had not had the scientific name on them (Asclepias) I would have been a little uncertain about what they really were. I can't remember exactly what Lowe's called them but it sounded made up. I guess their marketing guys think people don't want to buy plants with the word "weed" in the name :)

Also, as I mentioned earlier City Park has a hummingbird/butterfly sale every year. You just missed the one for this year. It was two weeks ago. The 1 gallon pots were $5, 3 gallon shrubs were $15. They had milkweed, buddleia, lantana, duranta, firebush, roses ($8), bamboo (not sure what bamboo has to do with butterflies or hummers), hyacinth bean, iris and lots more! They had any plant you can think of that hummers and butterflies feed or breed on. It rained really hard all that day but there were lots of other kooks out there in the rain with me! They're having a tropical sale next month and their big fall sale is in October (huge event with great prices!) If you're interested you can check their web site at http://www.neworleanscitypark.com/garden/index.html?cal.html&1

Good luck with your butterfly garden!

Mary Ann

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi Mary Ann, welcome to DG. Hop on over to the Welcome Mat forum http://davesgarden.com/f/welcome/ and introduce yourself when you get time. It is always nice to see a neighbor. We have been getting lots of new Louisiana folks here lately, sure is nice! I have worked the plant sales a couple of times already at City Park (in the childrens exhibit) for the Master Gardeners, it was so much fun.

This message was edited Thursday, Jun 19th 6:31 AM

Monroe, LA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for welcome Lisa! My stepdaughter commutes to Nicholls everyday. She tried UNO but she really likes the environment at Nicholls.

I was a little shy about doing the Welcome Mat thing but I'm heading over there right now!

Mary Ann

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Mary Ann,
Thanks for your help and welcome to Dave's Garden. I seen you were a new member from New Orleans and I sent you a note it may of been yesterday. Sorry it's Summer and I can't remember my days anymore. lol

I was one of the kooks out there in the rain with you Mary Ann! lol I love those sells and I did get 2 little Milk weed plants. I had got a large one in the mail from the same company I ordered 2 Cats from. I'll be putting pictures up of them today. My daughter is loving raising them. Since it's been raining so much it's been giving her something special to do inside.

We have to get us a wagon over here. We go to the City Park sale all the time and we get as much as we can carry. You should see my fiance he looks like a walking bush or something out of a scary movie. lol I can't believe he can carry that much. We take those black plant crates, but they can only hold so much. I would of loved some of their bamboo. :( Maybe they will have some in July. :)

Hi Lisa, I bet I've seen you before at one of those sells and don't even know it. :)

It was nice meeting you Mary Ann, glad to see some more Louisiana people here and I look forward to talking with you.

talk to ya soon,

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