I have Jade if anyone wants to try it!

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I have 4 jade plants for anyone that would like to try to do a bonsai with it.

Thumbnail by vredfish
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

This one is about 3 years old.

Thumbnail by vredfish
Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

very nice! I have one that is getting potbound just because I haven't taken time to pot it up. maybe now I won't:)

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

what am I supposed to be doing to my jade? are they ever wired?

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I am not sure...this is one I just keep clipping back. I just started reading up on bonsai. I liked the way one side was casting down and I have just been breaking off the parts I don't want. I have trimmed the roots once. I thought jade would be an easy one to practice on. They are so forgiving.

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