Double effect

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I just went to use the new fabric softener I picked up on my last shop......natural da de is "fragranced with the pure essential oil of geranium (sic - I'm certain they mean pelargonium LOL) and passion fruit extract to invigorate and calm the senses"

I shall just try not to feel toooooo confused when wearing my clothes afterwards!!
Won't know if I'm supposed to be invigorated and running around full of energy, or resting gently, lulled by the calming effect LOLOL

Has anyone else out there spotted stoopid blurb recently?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

if I'm right Pelargonium graveolens is used for 'Geranium' oil. I must give the leaves of mine a rub later.

just editing something I wrote LOL good job I noticed

This message was edited Saturday, May 24th 4:06 PM

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

How about a Nut Dessert? With the warning: This may contain nuts!
I know they have to consider allergies but I think that's taking it a bit far.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

That's really funny
It's sad that it only MAY contain nuts - they obviously don't regard this as an essential for a nut dessert then LOL

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I am particularly amused by the ads that tell me their product has been tested and recommended by some institute or another... such as the National Lower Colon Foundation. Where would this Foundation be located? What is their logo? Do they refer some inquiries to the National Upper Colon Foundation? Who funds them? Do they have promotional T-shirts?

There is also a television ad for a product that is supposed to treat an 'overactive bladder'. What in the world could that be. I was under the impression that a bladder just sat there. I had no idea it could start squirming around like that... a bladder with ADD... my, what will they discover next.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

very true Weezy and just who are the people in the white coats on these ads?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I have problems with my bladder. A real nuisance having to get up several times a night to wee. Occasionally I wet myself.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Northerner: I can sympathize with you. I make so many trips to the bathroom at night that I am considering moving a cot in there so I don't have to walk so far... LOL! I'm not poking fun at the condition, but rather, the name they've applied to it.

Contrary to the link you offered, I've always considered the bladder an inert recepticle rather than one that can contract. I'm still not convinced otherwise. I believe we have muscles related to the bladder that do contract when the bladder fills. It was my impression these muscles weaken with age, not to mention general prolapse of organs as time goes on, adding pressure. In fact, 'kagles' (sp?) are recommended to re-strengthen the muscles, I believe. (Poor Phil... not at all where she must have intended this thread to go!)

Bolton, Greater Manc, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

when all yoghurts and fruit desserts says 'contains REAL fruit' Well what other type of fruit is there?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOLOL Been busy (trying not to fall down the holes in the kitchen floor where the boards are up *g*) and find this thread has taken on a life of its own lol (I'm pleased to see!!)

The pictures conjured up of 'squirming bladders' is enough to send anyone rushing for the toilet LOL - So pleased to see you back here Weez!! Though I should probably be worried as you'll doubtless be leading me astray as usual (says she hopefully...)
I've already had some fun trying to design a logo for the National Upper Colon Foundation!!.......the promotional T-shirt was just TOOOOO scary LOL!

Yup psilo, that's more the sort of thing I had in mind, though I have seen some very convincing artificial fruit gracing the bowls of country houses. They would undoubtedly not taste too good in a yoghurt *G*

......oh, and yes, I was wondering whether I should bring that line in your first post to your attention Mark - but see you've spotted the ambiguity and edited LOLOL ;-)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Phil. Yes, I am just popping into DG when I have a little time in the evening. Life is pretty hectic around here now. I didn't expect many customers today, but spent most of the day outside selling plants. We're having an uncooperative Spring.. lots of cool weather. The petunias are not happy.

To return to your subject, I recall a sign in our local grocery deli 'Try our pizzas... now with fresh cheese!' It truly made me wonder what we'd been eating on them before.

Psilo's comment reminds me of the signs that offer 'Live Music'. Though I can't think of a better alternative, this term infers that some music is dead, doesn't it?

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