One of my favorite plants

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

This is impatiens niamniamensis, Congo Cockatoo. It bloomed all winter in the gh and will bloom all summer. You can't ask much more from a plant. It will get about 5 ft x 3 ft wide if you let it. They last for years and root easily.

edited to say that the blooms are shaped like a parrot's beak.

This message was edited Friday, May 23rd 10:40 PM

Thumbnail by Liz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Wow!..that is really a unique looking plant..does it go outdoors for the summer? and so you keep it in a container all the time?

Thanks for showing us..

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Yes it's outside now. I keep them in containers because I hate digging up plants in the fall.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Does this plant grow fast? I'm so anxious to get mine growing. I just love it. It looks very tropical and you know how I am about tropicals. Can't wait for my red and yellow justicias to bloom too. So much to have to wait on. Come on summer!!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Brugie, it can go from a 6 inch cutting to about 2 feet in a summer, maybe more. You don't need to trim it back in fall, and it will just get taller the following summer. It puts up a lot of stems from the ground, that's where you take your cuttings from if you want to start out with larger material to root. My gh had a few nights in the mid 30Fs during the winter, didn't bother it, just reduce water until it is almost dry in winter.
The colors are something else aren't they? LOL

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Definitely beautiful. The colors are so eye catching. Can't wait!! Thanks!

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

Oh Liz, do you have cuttings available?

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

What a stunning plant Liz. I'm with RA49, do you have cuttings available? Please say yes.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Let me get a few cuttings rooted. I'll let you know when they are ready. I was thinking of adding this one to my website for next year, and a few other different ones I have. Do you think anyone would actually pay money up here for the exotic impatiens? Kartuz sells them in the states, but would anyone up here buy them?

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

From what I have read about this one since seeing this post of your Liz, they seem to be easy to root so why not trial a few the first year on your web page?
I found a good pic of one in another forum here in DG....

A nursery close to me sells it I see so there must be a market, especially for gardeners looking for 'something different'.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Thanks RA for the link Ruth Ann. I'm still thinking about it. I will be adding a bunch more stuff to the site next fall but as you know, everything extra you add costs money to change the site. LOL

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Well I for one would buy one if we could get it to Edmonton in any kind of condition. Let me know how and how much. Oops; one more day til the digital camera.

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