Wanted :Stuttgart Canna /have trades

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I bought 4 Stuttgart cannas on e-bay this spring.Well it finally got warm enough to plant cannas so I pulled those puppys out and , gee, they are black and rotten.I wrote to the seller and he says that he can't replace them cause they are sold out till next spring.Says he'll replace them with dahlias,pardon my french, but this sucks!!So I figured I'll give it a try and see if anyone has one they are willing to trade for some thing on my list.It's at http://pages.zdnet.com/lakreflect/lakesidereflections/ thanks ,Karyn P.S. also interested in "Intrigue "canna

Powhatan, VA(Zone 6b)

I took a chance with mine this winter and left it in the ground it is coming up, but I dont know if there is enough to divide. I can check it in the morning. It is crowded where it is and I will need to move it. It really does need shade as well. The foliage burn up in the forst spot I planted it last year.


Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

That would be great.I really can't beleive no one has any left in stock.I wish we could leave cannas and things like that in the ground over the winter .This past winter I experimented and left one of my red cannas in the ground ,mulched it heavy and prayed for the best.When I checked it this spring it didn't look good.It may have been too wet there,although the ground never froze in that area.My pampas grass didn't make it either ,even though it made it the last 2 years.

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