Indian Cucumber Root (Medeola virginiana)

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

I read about this plant years ago in Uell Gibbons'"Stalking the Wild Asparagus". I never thought I'd find any but, lo and behold, there are two large patches of them in the woods behind our house. They taste like cukes with the texture of radishes. I thought any wild food gatherers out there might enjoy the pic.

Thumbnail by raisedbedbob
Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

We have these, too, and I agree with your description of the taste. It would take a whole lot of digging to get enough to have a meal! They throw up a two leaved umbrella over the six leaves and have funny little green flowers as well.

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

How right you are Kathleen! The tuber is really deep and one has to dig through lots of roots to get to it; but its fun to have a fairly uncommon edible wild plant to show to young people who have a budding interest in what nature has to offer.

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

What an attractive ground cover. I'll have to look for these.

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