Toxic trees that can effect other garden plants & shrubs?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Someone else (hillbilliebo) had asked if walnut trees kill fruit trees. This got me to thinking about Buckeye trees and other trees in general.

Hillbilliebo had mentioned that a walnut tree puts out a 'toxin' from their roots that tends to inhibit germination and growth for many plants. Does anyone know more about this with other common trees and/or shrubs in general?

I'm putting so much time into the landscape and I hadn't even heard of this possibility before. I have several Buckeye seedlings that I was going to transplant in the Fall unless they are toxic, too.

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

Do a search for juglone. Juglone is the chemical that black walnut trees (and butternut trees) put into the soil.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Tink you, Treelover!

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