22 Dogs Tooth Lily's

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

This year was the best. Had 22 blooms. I read somewhere that they are called dog's tooth because of the shape of the tuber or root, not anything to do with the flower or leaf.

Thumbnail by trillium_girl
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes I believe that's right t_g. That's a lovely photo!

It was the best year mine have ever had too http://www.davesgarden.com/t/379092/

Oh, some of the photos have gone missing on that thread, must have been in the crash - i'll try and see if I can put them in again

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

They are lovely. Are they native to the UK? Mine have been in for about 10 years right at the base of my house foundation, not the best location but they are happy so I'm not going to mess with them. They were planted with White Trilliums and the red Trilliums and cranesbill geraniums and dutchman's breeches. They were a mailorder collection of wildflowers and were plopped there in haste. Unfortunately, some European Ginger has started to crowd out the cranesbills.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

No these aren't native to the UK. I agree plants don't read the text books, so if they're happy don't argue with them lol

What's european ginger?

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

philomel, it's Asarum europaeum, European Wild Ginger. It has shiny dark green heart shaped leaves and it stays green all winter here. The native here is A. canadense and it is lighter green, not shiny and does not keep it's leaves in winter. They are both woodland plants and make a lovely ground cover. The problem is I'm always moving plants and taking seed or seedlings everywhere. So they are coming up everywhere by accident. The european variety likes acid soil. I think that's why it is doing so well in my yard.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I've looked it up in my books. It's one I don't really know - probably because I live in a chalk area.
Thanks, I'm always keen to learn about new plants.
My wild flower book describes it as rare and possibly native in the UK

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I've always heard of the chalk in England. Isn't that the area of "the white cliffs of Dover"? We have clay here which is a challenge. I was in the UK about 10 years ago but didn't get to that part of the country. Didn't get to very many gardens either. I have friends who live in Cheltenham. They have a beautiful garden and then when I was in London I just took off on my own to Kew. We did make it up to Clovelly on a small train and the Rhodadendrons were around every bend. They were huge and fabulous. We made it to Bath and up to Whitbey and York. It was really a strange trip and very unplanned. I definitely will be going back with a better plan. I loved the footpaths. Would love to stay about a month and just walk from one place to the next. But then there is the problem of luggage. I'm a bit past the backpacking stage of life.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

You can always hole up with me - yes, I'm 30 miles from the 'White Cliffs of Dover'
That trip sounds great! You saw a lot. I was at college in Cheltenham, so know that area a bit.
York and North Yorkshire are fabulous.

Though I only live 40 miles or so from Kew I haven't been for ages - another thing for my 'must do soon' list :)

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Phil, one of my life's ambitions was to visit all 7 Royal Botanic Gardens. I've been to 3 and I'm not even sure where the other 4 are. I was very impressed with Kew's "American Garden".
While there we got close to the Lakes District which looked awsome. I think we were on a bus going someplace else. Have you ever been to Clovelly? The entrance is just awful and tour busses descend upon it like locust but we spent the night and walked the streets in virtual solitude except for the residents. Was a wonderful experience. Got to see the tide go in and out of the little harbour. I have such good memories of it. Thanks for the offer. You never know....

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I went to Clovelly as a child and don't remember it much, sounds wonderful.
I do know the Lake District a bit, fabulous scenery!

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