Birds birds everywhere!

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

I did a good bit of bird watching this weekend. I'm finally getting birds to the feeders and out of the woods. At the feeders so far this spring I've had: cardinals, white-breasted nuthatches, titmouse(mice?), chickadees, and house finches. I also have had a small red headed woodpecker I haven't identified yet and some big brown fluffy headed thing that doesn't eat, he just perches on top. I've also had my hummingbird back this year and blue jays, pileated woodpecker and bluebirds at the edge of the yard. We have a pair of carolina wrens making a nest in the wall planter by the door and my husband saw a scarlet tangier at his parents tonight! Phew! More to come I'm sure. :) I love this place.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Good for you girl! Don't ya just love it? Birdsong makes my day :D
Have you put up the suet feeder yet?

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

ecobioangie, I'm waiting for the hummingbirds but no sign yet. I've had the feeder up and there are insects out but it is still pretty cool here. I've been enjoying the spring migration as well. The Raptors come through first and now the songbirds. I spotted two yellow warblers yesterday. A first for me. Also a yellow bellied sapsucker. Wow was he hard to spot as he is looks like the bark of the tree he was on and he is tucked up close. We have the tree swallows and bank swallows now. I'm trying to learn the raptors as well. I'm trying to learn the bird calls so I can know them by their song because they are hard to spot sometimes. I live next to a woods and am planting more food and cover plants. The suet works great. I get chicadees, red-bellied woodpeckers, carolina wrens, downy woodpeckers and hairy woodpeckers coming to the suet. Scarlet Tanager - what a treat! My zone is 6 near Lake Ontario in western NY.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

We have hawks and ducks and canadian geese coming through too because of the creek/river in the back. I have the suet feeder out. The small woodpecker came to the feeder a few times but couldn't figure out how to approach it. I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually. The white-breasted nuthatches like it alot though. I don't have any yellow birds. I'd love to see one! I don't put out a hummingbird feeder. I'm too lazy about refilling/cleaning them and I hear that if they come to it once and it's bad that they won't return. He just seems to like my yard okay.

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