turnip worm?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

hi last year i grew some turnip for the dh. they had these little tiny white worms, 1/4 inch size. what are they and how can i eliminate them from the soil before i plant his turnips again this year?
thanks debi z

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

debi...I've never had that trouble so had to look this one up. One of my books says CABBAGE MAGGOTS! (Sounds appetizing, eh?)

"Remove and destroy infested plants (which I'm sure you have). Frequent and light cultivation when plants are young helps to decrease larval populations. Solarizing the soil will help reduce maggot populations in problem areas."

You could also cover your turnips with row cover to keep the adults from laying their eggs on the crops.

Hope that helps. (And remember, all is not a loss...you still have those delish turnip greens to eat!!)

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