how much shade is

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

partial shade??? I have a really good spot that I want to fill with certain plants. They can take partial shade, but this spot gets about 2 hours sun this time of year, maybe a bit more in the summer. does it qualify?

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

Shade is a relative term, so partial shade is even more relative! It depends what time of day, the thing providing the shade, the plant in question, etc.

In general, full sun means at least 8 hours of direct sun every day. Partial shade means 4-6 hours of direct sun every day, but morning sun is better if possible, with afternoon shade.

Light shade means that it gets little to no direct sun, but the object providing the shade is something like a honey-locust tree with tiny foliage that let almost all the light through, but screen out the worst of the effect. The north side of a building usually is light shade, also.

Medium shade is under shade trees (like oak and maple); Full shade is in the back of a deep cave :) Mushrooms grow there.

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