Are there any Scottish gardeners on this site, if so......

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

I am looking for the native Gentiana seeds, I believe the variety is szechuanica var georgii. If you have some and would like to trade I have about 90 different types of seeds mostly perennials. Please let me know.
Thanks bunches trailingon

I'm sorry to say, the name indicates that this Gentiana (if it's from anywhere) is from western China.

The only reference I can find to this plant is the one in the Botanical Gardens in Edinburgh (which bears out the nativity of the plant as Chinese and Himalayan). I can't find it nor G. szechuanica on any other botanical or horticultural databases. That's not to say the plant doesn't exist, but it does indicate that, (if it is the real name), it's not going to be easily obtainable.

It might be worth writing to the botanical gardens and asking them about it.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I'm going there this year. They have one of the best Alpine houses is the UK and the best rock garden and the .... and the... well they are supposed to be the best.

anyway back to Gentians. The best in show 2003 at the Southern Irish Alpine Show on Saturday was a 12 inch pan of G verna grown from seed. absolutely stunning filled with blooms

Trailingon these plants are very difficult to grow and need specific conditions. G verna needs to be in or very close to limestone to grow and flourish

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

These plants are beautiful though and I would be willing to set up a seperate bed just for them. LOL whats one more flower bed!

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

why not try them in a 12 inch clay 1/2 pot? you will need to make the mix 50/50 topsoil/John Innes and grit and add Tufa or whatever the species you try needs

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

or make a Tufa trough?

Email me with your tradelist, I have several Gentianas:)

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

Hi arsenic,
I emailed you directly, but can you email me please so that I can send you my list as an attachment it is just to long to type in an email, many thanks.
Hello Baa,
It has been awhile. Are you still saving stamps? I have a bunch more to go out if you are.
Take care all.

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