Just got my Vigna caracalla from Monticello!

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah! Can't wait to try this corkscrew vine! Dave had such a great picture of it, I just had to order it. $10.00 and delivered Federal Express.

The bare root of this vine sure is funky looking. They said in the instructions that "the root you have received was grown from seed during last year's growing season. After growth died down in the fall, the tuber was removed from its pot and stored over winter in boxes of moistened sphagnum moss in an unheated room. Growth will begin anew as the season warms in late spring."

Dave, if you're reading this, what sun exposure did you give yours. Just wondering where to plant it. Was it in a container?

Thumbnail by jules_jewel
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Yep, that looks like the root. Jules, they almost have to be in full sun. A pretty care free vine. I love mine, but right now it is getting out of control in the greenhouse. I need warm weather with no chance of frost.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

In their catalogue they go on to say that: "North of Zone 9, roots can be stored like dahlias over winter". Great for those that don't have a greenhouse, the space to bring inside, or who don't want to start cuttings.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I'll try that this year after I get a cutting rooted, just in case. I've never been good at storing dahlia tubers.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, no, Brugie, don't tell me it will be hard to do?!?!?
If YOU find it hard ... well, then I'm doomed. :>(

But I'm gonna try anyways. Wish me luck ... and I wish you luck likewise.

revised: missed a word

This message was edited Thursday, Apr 17th 9:16 PM

Zone 6, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey Brugie...I keep a dahlia in the ground all year and it survives the winter just fine. The thing is, I plant it next to the foundation of my house. It seems to provide enough warmth there through winter. It's the really tall purple one. It gets maybe 5 or 6 ft tall. Gladiolus grow like weeds for me to (after having been in the ground all winter) when I plant them near the foundation.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

The problem with planting near the foundation on our home is that the garage is on the south end, so there is no basment warmth there. I'd love to try it with several iffy plants. Maybe I'll get brave this year and do that. I can always buy more. Sure would save a lot of digging and planting too.

Jules....it is just me. I've just not had good luck with bulbs or roots that have to be stored. I found this year that my cannas hold over very well in Jim's shop. I put some in the basement and they shriveled up and croaked. So, this fall, his shop wall will be lined with nails that have plastic bags hanging from them, full of cannas.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Brugie, when we planted our tiny 6 foot palm trees (12 of them) around our home when we moved into it (Sept.), the specialist told us that when the freezing begins in December, we must wrap up all the trunks of the palms trees (not the leaves) with a sheet of fiberglass and then wrap that, with burlap. Then, we must put a good thick layer of mulch around the root area.

We asked, what is all that for??? They went on to explain: that is what will keep the heat in the trunks and especially in the root area. This will keep them alive. As the mulch de-composes, it creates heat. And that is what will save the palm trees.

I have since then applied that to my other plants, such as the bananas, the cannas, anything that can freeze. And boy, did it freeze this winter! (-15 degrees) I'm happy to say that everthing is popping up with vigor. All I did was mulch them heavily, and no digging up! It works. I hope it works with my Vigna.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I'm not sure it would work here because we stay that cold for long periods of time. However, I'm going to try doing some of what you do on the east and south sides of the house. Can't hurt to try. Thanks for the info.

Woodburn, OR(Zone 8a)

This is great news!! I received 12 seeds, I shared 6 and the remaining 6 are planted. I'm so happy I won't have to grow them in pots, I'm going to have enough "winter roommates" as it is! I think I'll harvest seeds and/or take cuttings or sacrifice one for the tubers just in case though! I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite vine this summer!

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