Lettuce in pots

Can I plant lettuce in pots? If so how big do they have to be?


This will tell you how big a container for the vegetables you decide to plant. For leaf lettuce you can use 4-6 plants per 1 gal. container.

Thanks CoCo I appreciate the link.

Madison, WI(Zone 5a)

Wow! Thanks CoCo for the link! I was planning to do some veggie gardening in containers in my apartment this year, and you've helped a great deal just by offering up that link!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Powell Gardens does lettuce in with various flowers in pots all the time. It really looks pretty.

Cambria, CA(Zone 10a)

That's a great link CoCo. Gives me new ideas. Here's a variety called 'freckles.' Five plants in an 8" pot, thinned (by eating) often.

Thumbnail by stellapathic

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