Neat massage tool

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Howie and I went to the chiropractor's today, Howie for an initial consultation and me for a regular adjustment. When I mentioned that my hands hurt when I try to give Howie a massage, the doc showed us this neat little gadget. It's such a simple and ingenious design, and works great. The rollerball moves smoothly inside the handle and it just rolls the tension away. The doc says he keeps one in the freezer, too.

We paid $20 total. It's available for $15.95 at their site -- -- plus shipping. Shipping's free within the US if you get three or more of them.

This message was edited Saturday, Apr 12th 1:42 AM

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Neat looking little gadget. I think I've seen something much like it but not for awhile. Let us know if it really works.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

GW, Jim bought a device called the thumper at our chiropractor's office a few years back. Of course it was a bit pricey at $250 but you can get the same thing at WalMart's not called the thumper and it's not the exact same one but it's an offbrand one and it does the same thing. They cost about $30. It has a handle to it and plugs in.....trying to explain it....LOL. At the end it is like rectangular and has two balls that vibrate. I'm telling you, this thing is awesome and I take it with me when I go places like my mom's so my sister can thumper me. It totally relaxes the muscle and takes allot of the pain away. Maybe if you want we can go to Wally World together and I can show you what I'm talking about :o)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

It works great...incredible, especially easy on the hands. Thanks, Susan - Actually, our friends bought Howie one of those Homemedics thumper things from Wal-Mart for Christmas, but it made us more sore afterwards. It got blood flow going to the area and felt good while it was thumping, but afterwards we were more stiff, plus itchy where it had thumped. We exchanged it for something else because we just didn't use it.

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

the itching is from the blood coming to the surface........LOL.........mine does that too. It relaxes my muscles though. I couldn't live without mine :o)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I wonder why it makes us stiffer afterwards? It does feel really good while it's thumping, though!

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

probably because you're not used to it. I remember when Jim first started using it on my back it actually really hurt but over time it started to really feel good and totally take away the stress in the muscle to where I can walk again when I am hardly getting around

Lincoln City, OR(Zone 9a)

We love our Thumper so much that we bought one for upstairs and one for downstairs so we wouldn't have to run for it. Lazy aren't we? Actually they were on clearance sale when our favorite store went bankrupt.

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