Birdhouse Finished

(Zone 5a)

I finally got this one finished, this is the largest birdhouse I have decorated and it does take a lot longer to do.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
(Zone 5a)

This will give you an idea of how big it is.

Thumbnail by windsurffer
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Very purty!!! Good goin'!

(Zone 5a)

Thanks, I am so excited about doing the larger ones now that I know I can. It's been one learning experience this winter and I have learned a lot in that short period.
Shoe once you get all your planting done you should try your hand at it, it is a lot of fun. Shoot just make up your own designs and go with it.

Burlington, ON(Zone 6a)

Now, what self respecting bird wouldn't love to lay claim to that prime piece of realestate?????

Penfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Very Nice! Are you going to hang it outside or use it for decoration only? Would look nice on a porch or in a sunroom. You did a great job.

Skowhegan, ME(Zone 5b)

I think it is absolutely beautiful,I would love to own a home as nice as that if I was a bird,I cannot get over how cool it is I have seen a lot of these but yours takes top honors wind you should be very proud of yourself for doing such an excellent job. now you can make my birds one Ha!Ha!Ha! ya right!real nice job, Little Hawk.

(Zone 5a)

Thanks RA49

TG I am going to add it to my display case at the flea market in hopes of selling it with the rest.
I don't have anywhere high enough to hang it here, no trees and too many stray cats that would love to get their paws on the little birds.

Thanks LittleHawk I do appreciate the complement...Ah Ha! trying to butter me up huh. I just knew you were up to something....just kidding and please forgive me but I just couldn't help it*giggle*
I am very proud of this one, it almost ended up in the trash twice. I never have been so mad a gourd before I had no idea how hard it would be to get something evenly done on a gourd that is so round that there are no flat surfaces except the bottom and that is not all flat, I had to sand it down to make it flat so I could work on it.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Beautiful, Wind! That wouldn't be one of those gourds from Indiana would it?

Your work is truly inspiring! I'll bet this one is gone by now, eh?

(Zone 5a)

No it is one I bought from Foothills Farm in Newark.
I still have it and I am going to try and hang it from my trellis and hope it holds up. I don't have a tree to hang it in and I have to hang it high enough to keep the cats from getting the birds.

Crossville, TN

Kit...that is just wonderful!! My friend in Fla hung a gourd out side and the squirrels ate be on the look out for damage. Jo

(Zone 5a)

Thanks Jo, I am out there everyday to see if any birds are using it but so far none are. I think it's too low and the fact that we have all the cats around here, I also think that I don't have to worry about the squirrels for the same reason.

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