
Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

Kristie kidded tonight. My much anticipated night arrived. She was my big concern because she was a first time freshener. At my 8:30 check, I realized she was going into labor. Although I am very excited, I am so sad to say one of the babies didn't make it. Her first baby came out and it was a beautiful still born Doeling. I tried so hard to bring life to her, but all my efforts were in vain. I cried my eyes out holding the little baby. It was so awful. I was so glad I was by myself and Sally wasn't with me. I was really a mess and my heart was(still is) just broken. About 10 minutes later, Kristie began pushing, I realized I had to pull it together. I put my ob gloves back on and waited...there it came out, a little Buckling. What a cutie. Then wait..what is this...???!! ANOTHER ONE! Kristie had another BIG Buckling! WOW! This poor little goat, it was her first time to have babies and she has triplets. So far, the Bucklings are fine, they were very hungry and now they are fast asleep in my bathtub. Here is a not so good photo of the babies, I am too tired to try to get a better picture. The brown one standing came out second, he has the most spunk. The one laying down came out last, he was bigger, but very tired. What a night..

Thumbnail by justmeLisa
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