How to start Clematis j from seed?

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

What is the best and preferred method to start Clematis jackmanii seeds? Does an arch suit its growth?

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I've planted many but none ever came up. I did give some of them a cold spell in the refrigerator, but no luck. I'll be interested to hear how others got them to grow.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


Please see my posted thread on Clematis in the Co-op Forum. I have provided several links that will answer your questions about growing Clematis from seeds.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

I'll see that Shirley. Last year I had got some seeds of this in a trade but none of them showed their faces. Now that I have received a fresh stock of about 10-12 seeds, I do not want to lose them.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


When one grows Clematis, you need a lot of patience and time! They must go through a cold period followed by a warm growing season in order to break their dormancy. If they do not germinate following the warm cycle, then repeat the cold-warm cycle once again. Make sure that your seeds stay damp and do not dry out.

I hope you now understand why, Clematis cost a lot of $$$, but I think they are SO versatile and add SO MUCH beauty to one's garden, that it is definitely worth growing them! :~)

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)


I collected seeds from my clematis vine last fall. I chilled the seeds in the garage over the winter. About a week ago, I planted them in seed starting soil. Actually, I placed them on top of the soil, then added a light layer of perculite (spelling?). I then covered them with plastic to retain moisture and put them under the grow lights.

I'll let you know if any sprout for me.


Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Should I necessarily follow all those excercises here in a place which is somewhere in zone 9-11?

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Dinu... hope this help ...

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


The answer to your question is YES...."should I necessarily follow all those excercises here in a place which is somewhere in zone 9-11"?

Clematis MUST go through stratification (cold followed by warm period) in order for the seedcoat to break dormancy and germinate. If you live in a warm climate, put the seeds in some moistened sphagnum moss in a sealed plastic bag and then refrigerate them. Please check them periodically to make sure that the sphagnum moss remains moist (NOT WET). Do NOT let them dry out. Then continue as per directions. Some of the more challenging varieties may require a 2nd cycle of cold-then warm temperatures.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Speaking of clematis propigation...when's the best time to take a cutting? The new growth in the spring??? What do you root it in?...if you've actually tried it and have been successful. I don't want the book answer, I want real life experience. Anyone done this?

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

MVR, thanks for the link! Wonderful information :)

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

as always Morph, it is nice to give a helping hand.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I found the answer to your question on Clematis cuttings. This is a Japanese Clematis website that has wonderful information in English and beautiful pictures to accompany the text.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Thank you. Those links were very informative. I'll try to follow the instructions. I now have to look out where the moss is available.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

We can buy sphaghnum moss at any nursery, gardening center, as well as, on line. Try searching on Goggle and you may locate various sites in that manner, if you don't have it readily available where you live. Good Luck!

Franktown, CO(Zone 5a)

Mar 02 I took many clematis seed and put them in damp peat in the fridge for 3 months, then outside in a plastic bag in the shade for the rest of the summer and fall. I put them on the floor in the greenhouse this winter and just looked at them a few days ago and have at leat 20-30 3 inch tall baby clematis. This is the first time it didn't take 2 years to sprout my seed. They are all different types and colors.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

WHY does this particular seed be put through such a regimen? Unlike most seeds?

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

CONGRATULATIONS DEANNE! Which variety of Clematis did you grow????

Dinu, I don't know why Clematis have to be put through "such a regiment", THEY JUST DO! Many other seeds need to cold & hot periods to break their dormancy, such as Primulas.

You will feel a "RUSH" when you get them to germinate! Indeed you should!! What an accomplishment for any home gardener, especially after paying retail prices at a Nursery!!! :~)

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Morph, any luck with yours? Have they sprouted?

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