Help with my "Jeanne La Joie" climbing rose.

Gladstone, MO(Zone 5b)

Last year I planted a climbing tea rose named "Jeanne La Joie". It was beautiful! I know nothing of the care for roses, tea roses, or climbing roses. Now that spring has just sprung I am not sure what to do. Should I prune off last years vines or do they stay? What is recommended for feeding and when? Any suggestions on how to care for this beauty would be appreciated.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I do not know the age of your Jeanne le Joie...but for sure it more of a shrub former than a climber! So, just a suggestion!......clean her out and just take the dead, diseased and damaged canes down to the base of the rose.....then tidy or shape the shrub to your liking!..what you take away, you might want to give back to the rose!....such as some Epsom salts,(MgSO4) can be dosed to the base of the rose, either as a water drench or just the dry crystals, scratched into the soil...good luck, yu should see improvement and growth in about three weeks! Elaine

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

I have Jeanne. a mini climber from Select Roses. She does well for me and I just tidy up the d,d,d. after winter. Beautiful pink, isn't she. I don't know your conditions in MO--you may have to tip her over and bury her. What do you Think Elaine? Although the minis are very hardy.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Dawn, trouble is, though, she is not really a mini in size, maybe in flower! Given great growing conditions she can grow to be over 5-6' high and as wide! In colder climes, I would tend to think if you tuck her in with leaves or pine boughs, then wrap her right in with burlap, she should fare well! E.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Aha Elaine! Mine grows long and narrow but then where I live everything does unless it's a groundcover. Dawn

Gladstone, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks for ALL your suggestions. You have been MOST HELPFUL! I will give them a try and see what happens.

Gladstone, MO(Zone 5b)

I have another problem with my "Jeanne le Joie",the leaves are turning yellow. I live in Missouri and we have had quite a bit of rain - could that be the problem? Any suggestions as to what I should do?

Perrysburg, OH(Zone 5a)

About "Jeanne" I planted one two years ago in a pot, and forgot to plant it in the ground before this moment she is about 4-1/2 ft tall growing in the pot which the roots went through the drainage hole and found solid earth. I've never given it any winter protection and it's thriving, I would consider it one of the toughest roses in my garden.

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