Cruel Plant, Cruel Cine - Araujia Sericifera

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

Hey gang -

I'm looking for germination info on this vine. (Yes, I understand it's a noxious weed.) If the 3 seeds I have fail, anyone have any more for sale/trade/sase?

Thanks so much -
zone 9 container gardener

I found them very easy to germinate. Just plant them as you would any other seed, in pots of moist (but not wet) compost, cover lightly and wait a couple of weeks. Mine germinated on a windowsill, the young seedlings won't take too much cold

El Sobrante, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Baa. Might be my seeds, but I'm not being very lucky as of yet. :o( We'll see ... I never give up.

:o) Judith

They take a while if the seeds aren't fresh, some of mine were still popping up after 4 months.

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