Free Sunflower Seeds for SASE Offer

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I received word of this in a freebies newsletter I get in the e-mail.

"If you haven’t tried your hand at growing whopper-sized sunflowers, these babies are huge, and here’s your chance to try them for free!

"The Sunflower Farm had a bumper crop of sunflowers this year and once again they are offering one free packet of sunflower seeds per household. Additional packets are available for $1.

"These are no ordinary seeds. They are an old variety that grows 8 to 20 feet tall and produce the biggest sunflowers you have ever seen. Send for them now while supplies last, and save them to plant this spring.

"To receive a free packet (10 to 20 seeds) of sunflower seeds, and growing hints and ideas, send a long self-addressed stamped envelope, with two stamps, to Sunflower Farm, Box 629, Burgin, KY 40310."

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