My very first Dish Garden

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I found this large plastic dish in the trash at the curb and rescued it just as the truck was coming. It was a light cover from a round light fixture and measures 22" across and 4" deep. I cleaned it up, drilled holes in it for drainage and filled it with a layer of pea gravel topped with a sandy cactus mix potting soil and added some cactus and sedums and pregnant onions. Then set in some local rocks. My very first dish garden! I don't think it looks too bad but it seems to be missing something to give it that special look...any suggestions?

Thumbnail by Zanymuse

very, very nice there Zany. I like that and what a clever idea using a light cover. Very unique and different which makes it extra special
You could add maybe some sort of little figurine or a little watering can poker; or some other little poker of sorts or something along that line and stick in there.
Now you can do one for

This message was edited Friday, Mar 21st 5:42 AM

Zany that is very nice. Great eye seeing that light cover as a planter.

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks For the ideas CoCo. I think I'll see if I can find an interesting piece of driftwood to stick in there.

Elsie, this is a good find for me. But then I see anything that will hold soil as a planter ;~) Hubcaps, wheel rims, tires, kids toy trucks, I even planted a childs bicycle once. Wrapped the bike with ivy vines and planted the basket with annuals. It looked pretty good but I never got to see it finished since we had to move before the ivy filled in all they way. I always wonder if the people who moved in left it or dug it out. I wanted to make one of those flowerpot people to sit on it but sisn't get that far.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Zany.....that is cute, the cacti look like little people standing around a garden! Elaine

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Giggle! They do kind of look like people. Maybe I ought to add googly eyes to them like the cactus people you used to see in stores all the time ;~)

This message was edited Sunday, May 4th 2:01 AM

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