How to control baby vines???

Porterfield, WI(Zone 4b)

Does anyone have good suggestions as to how to contain vine seedlings once they start to vine. I have several clematis,and have started other vines. Last year's clematis babies got pretty tangled, and I gave them sticks, but I wonder if anyone has a better way? Thanks, Legit

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I actually have used 2 coat hangers and made them into nice sine starters, they come off easily enough once you plant them out, easy to untangle I mean. All I do is make the hanger into an "O" like shape, leaving the hook part only bending it straight, then I use a twistie tie and hook 2 hangers together, gosh I don't know how to explain it?

If you look down on top of the hangers in the pot they shape an X, does that make any sense?

Also I have some that I actually transplanted into larger pots after they took off, then I used a piece of that lattice that was going to be attached to a post outside, only I temporarily attached it to the pot and let it get a good twining start on that, then I just had to drop the pot in the hole and attach the lattice, or plant in hole and attach lattice.

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