Hyacinth Bean Vine

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I received some of these in a trade and found where they should be propagated in damp paper towels. But I don't know how deep to plant the sprouted seeds. Can anyone tell me?

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

All I can give you is my expierence this year. They do not like root disturbance so I planted hem in Jiffy 7s on a heat mat. Soaked them 2 days in wet paper towels. They germinated on the 3rd day in the pellets. 75% germination rate (although I think I caused some premature deaths as I was so thrilled at the speed--I was peeking!!) They were not that deep as the seed wetted is quite large. I always pour boiling water on my Jiffy 7s (or any medium) and let cool. Water with "No Damp", plant, and No Damp again when germinate. Roots will start to push through the netting. ...I HATE the netting, I use manicure scissors to cut down 2 sides, and across the bottom of the netting but leave it on and pot up to 4" pots--They are now 6-8" high in cool bright window. They are supposed to be sown at 65-70 deg--so I would think a heat mat is not necessary but simply speeds things up. Dolichos lablab--good luck.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

They sprout very easily and very fast, I have never soaked or anything..Be sure to plant white side up, or the sprout will start out downward and have to curve back up, lol..Good luck..You may not have this problem in your zone, but here in GA, zone 8, they actually becone a re-seeding pest..I have to spray and pull these things constantly, as much as Morning Glories..

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Jeeps Larkie, they don't reseed for me. Maybe I clean up too fast. The ornamental MGs same.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Think of it the easy way-they are just beans. :) I usually presprout mine too, just to make sure I am not wasting space or dirt on duds, and rarely are there any. These do have some beautiful flowers and a very nice fragrance. Usually planting them an inch deep is great. Oh, occasionally mine do self seed too.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Dawn, did't you save the seeds of the Morning glories??? I'll save you some from the vines this season! E.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

Yes Elaine, I did I think..I have almost as many seeds as you! I'll have to look at the list--but they don't freely reseed into the surrounding area-or if they do I kill them accidentally. Dawn

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Sunrize, I hate the netting too. The manufacturers claim that it will rot away and not affect the plants, but I haven't seen them do that very readily and the plants tend to be mostly confined to the pellet. I cut them off when I plant the seedling outdoors. But I must admit, kids love to see those pellets swell up!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8b)

woodspirit1,I also have no fondness for the peat pots,they don't go to mush either, even here in the west coast rainforest--even if entirely buried.

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Plant them where they are to grow. No hurry as the main feature, seed pods, don't begin to show off til later. Here in zone 6, I will start them the end of May. Last year I started the 2nd week of May and got hit by a late freeze in June.

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