Datura - Any info appreciated

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

Hi all, I started some double and triple purple and yellow datura 7 weeks ago. Some of them are about to flower. I will not be able to plant them outside until june 20. Will they be to big by then. Forgot to take a picture will do that later.
Thanks and have a great day!

Hamilton, Canada

They will do fine. Just move them up to bigger pots. They will continue to grow and bloom until frost so not to worry you will still have lots of flowers in the summer.

dobie, ON(Zone 3a)

Thank you Jody. I just couldn't believe they would flower alredy. some of the buds are about 1 1/2 to 2" long. Never had datura before and from the size of the buds the flowers must be a fair size.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Holy Cow!! What are you feeding them? I've never had one come even close to bloom at that age. Did you start them from seed?

rural, WY(Zone 3a)

I've only seen 'la fleur lilac' bloom that young. That was a small violet (?) bloom.
Make sure they have lots of lights as they stretch easy inside, and also watch for bugs every time you're around them.

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