Brrr again

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Really hard frost this morning.
Beautiful blue skies and sunshine, but so cold :(

It's the Alpine Garden Society show and sale today, a national event but only 5 miles or so from home! - so my mum and I are off to drool and raid the goodies

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

May I ask how "hard frost"? ;)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL Not hard from where you're looking I spose
The air temperature went down to -5C, though I suspect the ground temp was lower.
Very white everywhere and ground and birdbath frozen solid

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Wooh, really? We are having -3 to -6 C at night here, +3 to +8 C during daytime.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

You're similar to us at the moment then. It was -5C last night and it's only 6C now 1.30pm.
It's much warmer in N Ireland I hear - not fair!

Just back from the show which was wonderful. I spent far too much of course, mainly on daphnes and books

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

:) It was a nice sunny day today, I was in Helsinki with my friend. We bought a bread and went feeding the mallards x) Nothing was blooming outside the botanical garden yet, but maybe in a couple of weeks.

Snow has melted off my Hepaticas already, they might be bloomin in a month then. Sure is one of the prettiest wild plants here.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Eek,sounds cold!! We have been lucky to have sun and warm weather for the last 2 weeks.It did get down to 8c one day,but has been constantly between 10-17c everyday.Having said that,it will probably drop to 0c soon,but at least we have been spared the usual rain.
Evert,the Hepaticas here have been blooming since the beginning of the month,and it is one of my favorites, harbinger of Spring!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Although there are so many different colours in Hepaticas available now I still love the blue ones - they are such a wonderful blue!

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Dear Philomel how was th AGS show? My fam is/was quite involved w/ the AGS.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

It was great Miggy. All those little gems exquisitely presented!
Does your family specialise in any genus in particular, or love the lot?

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

No particular genus that I know of, my Grampa Roy Elliot (deceased) and his Brother Jack were both involved with the AGS for years I think as chairmen and as editors of the bulletin. Both were awarded the VMH. so I know they were serious, also their gardens were really enviable. Granny died last year so the garden is no longer with us, alas, but Grampas collection is safe in an alpine house of his namesake at Wisley.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

OMG Miggy!!!!!! I'm speechless!
I have in my hand 'Alpines in Sinks and Troughs' by Joe Elliott published in 1974. There are lots of photos by Roy Elliott ARPS!
How were Joe and his father Clarence related to Jack and Roy?

I'm a bit hazy on it as I was only a child when my father was involved with the AGS, but I'm sure he met at least one of your clan - I'll have to ask my Mum, hopefully she'll remember.

A touch of frost here this morning but looks as if we are in for a lovely day. Which daphnes did you bring home with you Philomel?

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Funny,but Joe is not related to us directly that I know of. I'm sure your mum had met some of my clan since they were very active. Jacks books include Alpines In The Open Garden, The Smaller Perennials and The Woodland Garden. Roys Book Alpine Gardening is still refered to and has gone through many printings.
I'm sure that you'll run into a few of his old B+W photots in the older books and AGS Bulletins as he was very keen and built himself a darkroom.
We really had the most fun running around his garden as kids, so many "secret" places and such. He used to get quite cross, but here I am today a gardener myself.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Miggy my Mum says she met Jack at Kent Field Club meetings as well as AGS. Did/does he live in Kent?

Funny how the gardening bug often runs in the blood, even if it sometimes misses a generation

greentapestry I bought Daphne x Susannae 'Cheriton' (D arbuscula x D collina), Daphne cneorum 'Album' and Daphne x Schlyieri (D cneorum x D arbuscula)
I'll look and see what's already in my collection (quite a few) and let you know :)
Do you have many?

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Yes, He did live in Kent,recently sold his house and can't remember where he moved.
.......small world

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

In that case, yes I've been to his house for an open day and spoken with him!
Lovely garden!! (as you'd expect lol!)

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