Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Went out today, and out of the blue, a hummer flew up to me and stopped in mid- air as if to say, "What's for dinner?" I think he has been there a few days cause I keep thinking the feeder looks lower, and I have been driving Marie nuts, asking if it looked like some nectar was gone; finally, I put a little dot at the top of the nectar last nite and was going out to check it, and there he was! It has been going down, very little, and I had just about decided it was evaporating or something. I don't think there is but one, though, but maybe he is a scout!

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Good for you. I have not seen one yet, proably this week.
Hope you get many more.

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Larry, they almost came on Friday, as you predicted. I do believe they were here before I saw them. Odd thing, I usually see them easily in the mornings and afternoons, but these I see more just any time during the day. Put up another feeder, and immedicately the hummer hit it (was one from last year).

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Roz, you will have hummers passing thru heading to their breeding territories for the next 5 or 6 weeks. it should be mostly adult males now, followed by adult females in a week or so, then hummers that were born last yr. You will see a marked drop off in May and early June. Don't worry, in June and July they will start to return in numbers, as this is when the first hummers born this yr will be leaving their nest.

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Oh, thanks for the info. I wondered why I did not see them like last year; this is a straggler. I was worried something was wrong with my nectar mixture. It won't be much longer and they will be everywhere again.

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