Spider mites!! Help!!

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

I just noticed yesterday that the palm trees I have in my bedroom are getting attacked my spider mites!! Is there anyway I can get rid of them by making something here at home?? Does soapy water help??

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I was at chat the other nite asking the same question, had em on my lemon tree. The answer I was given was spray with 1 part alcohol to 10 parts water. Seems to be working so far! If not, take outside for a few days in our wonderful rainy weather. I did both.

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

Thanks! I think I will try that as soon as I get all the kids off to school in the morning.
Thanks again!!

Violabird was given some good advice. Spider mites colonise best in dry conditions, keep the plants misted or in saucers filled with gravel and water when you've managed to rid your plants of them this time around, they are less likely to attack plants in a more humid atmosphere

Villa Rica, GA(Zone 7a)

That'll mean every other day watering in the gravel...Dh has a habit of sleeping with the fan blowing wide open(year round) so it does get pretty dry in there. That's not a problem keeping them watered though. They sit on my side of the bed, so when I go to make the bed every morning I can check the water level in the gravel. These 2 palm trees only cost me $2.00 each, but I still don't want to loose them the mites!
Thanks for all the help ya'll!!

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